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16th Jan 2012, 21:08
Sorry if this is a duplicate, but I did do a search before I posted...

I am a CPL student in Canada with a PPL and 130 hours mostly in PA28 / some in C172. I am traveling to Oz (Sydney / Brisbane / Mt Isa) some time in the next six weeks.

Is it possible for me to rent PA28/C172 from a school/club as it is here, after a flight check? Can anyone suggest a directory or other information to locate rentals in Sydney/Brisbane/Mt Isa?

I'd be grateful for any assistance.

16th Jan 2012, 21:49
Mate, assuming you hold a Canadian license, you will need a validation and an ASIC. Info on the CASA website. Be advised, however, that especially the ASIC procedure is far from speedy. You'll also need some training and a thorough checkout, as they do things somewhat differently in the good land of Oz and the air above it!

17th Jan 2012, 18:03
Thanks for the heads up. I currently hold a Canadian (ICAO) PPL(ASEL) with an English Language Proficiency endorsement.

The CASA web-site tells me I can apply for a CoV for private flying while on vacation for a period of up to 3 months with no exam and a flight test by a qualified instructor:


So back to my question, assuming that the paperwork moves sufficiently quickly and my cheque doesn't bounce:

What are my options in the Sydney area to have a flight test done and rent an aircraft? A list of email addresses or an electronic directory will be fine - I don't need a recommendation, other than discrete pointing away from the cowboys.

And to counter any comments, I did read this thread through but found precious little relevant factual information about such things. Most of what appeared on the Flight Training / Flight School threads was a bunch of old grumps being sarcastic. Not that I don't appreciate a bit of sarcasm, but if I had a Sydney Area yellow pages or could drive to the airports around Sydney I wouldn't be asking in this forum.

Looking forward to hearing from all you friendly Australian pilots.

18th Jan 2012, 08:47
NEO, I can't help you with schools / FBOs in the Sydney area, but the 800-pound gorilla in the Cessna is the ASIC. Unless you only want to fly from uncle Joe's farmstrip you WILL need one. Get this moving asap! Also, get the COV moving while still in Canada - your timeframe already is very, very tight to get it all sorted.

18th Jan 2012, 09:09
Sydney city has 2 GA airports, Bankstown and Camden, both owned by the same outfit.

From the CBD (near the coast), Bankstown is inland about 12nm southwest and Camden is about 30nm southwest.

Sydney Metro Airport (http://bankstownairport.com.au/Business_Search/Business_Search_1.aspx?keyword=flying%20school)
will produce a sparse list of flying schools.

18th Jan 2012, 09:12
Yeah thanks OTS you bunch of plonkers. In one foul swoop you killed off the vacation flying market for overseas pilots.

All is not lost however, contact either Aviation ID Australia (http://www.aviationidaustralia.com.au/) or Security ID (http://www.securityid.com.au/) Both these organisations are your best bet for getting an ASIC.

DO NOT apply for your ASIC from CASA unless you want to be bent over and shafted without the slightest hint of lubricant.

18th Jan 2012, 09:55
You may also want to contact these guys: Australian Air Safaris - See Down Under as Pilot in Command - Home (http://www.australianairsafaris.com/)

Who (while their business has been harshly hit by the ASIC requirements) do offer to help foreign private pilots.

18th Jan 2012, 12:20
I'll second Checkboards reccomendation for solid advice.
Whilst I have never dealt with him personally, I have bumped into a couple of his groups moving about the country.

If anyone knows about getting foreign short stay pilots airborne in this country its him. Don't know how helpfull he will be, but its a dam good doorway to stick your head in.


PS...don't worry about using a float ticket here ROFL!!

19th Jan 2012, 12:53
Actually, the Cert of Validation is only required if you wish to receive training (eg get a rating using a VH reg a/c). It is specifically tailored to the type of operation required (eg ferrying). It only lasts for 3 months, but can be renewed. Your o/s medical must be valid for this period. IFR can be flown.

Other than that, a special licence is all that is required, but may only be used for private day VFR ops. (You can get endos on a SPECPL.)

Make sure your English language cert is listed on your licence. If issued by a private agency (an all you have is their certificate) it won't be recognised.

Read Form 213 from Flight Crew Licencing Forms on the CASA website

Have fun!:ok:

Ted D Bear
20th Jan 2012, 07:51
At Bankstown, try Schofields Flying Club for flight test and aircraft hire: Schofields Flying Club Home Page (http://www.schofields-flying-club.com.au/)


22nd Apr 2012, 23:45
Neo you could send a PM to Pprune member VH-BCY (http://www.pprune.org/members/115916-vh-bcy). See this thread http://www.pprune.org/dg-p-general-aviation-questions/464044-aircraft-hire-sydney.html

Hope your visit exceeds expectations.

Charlie Foxtrot India
23rd Apr 2012, 01:17
The last person I know who tried to apply for a c of v ( special licence takes just as long) from overseas gave up after nine months. CASA only took a couple of days to take their money though
One of the biggest problems is finding someone overseas that CASA will approve to verify your documents.
The irony is that an overseas pilot doesn't need an ASIC to be able to fly here however they are supposed to have them to go into a security controlled airport...but I know of some where they haven't got one and OTS have just overridden the airport security people who have pinged them and let them get away with it.
Good news is that under the new changes which may finally drag Australia one step closer to ICAO there will be no need for CASA to be involved and all the paperwork will be done at the flying school that does the flight review. This could be another few years away though.
I wish it was different as Australia used to be a wonderful place for visitors to come and fly and it was a valuable part of the tourism industry until CASA and OTS stuffed it all up for no good reason and without any consultation. ( note to CASA, a fait accompli is not consultation) good luck.

Clare Prop
23rd Apr 2012, 02:29
The people from Checkboard's link are definately worth trying, but I see on thier site they have suspended all tours until 2013 due to rising costs of GA and exchange rate.