View Full Version : Britannia Nordic conflict ended.

15th Jul 2001, 01:20
We did it!
We got 29% in three years, 13% first year, 8%second and 8% the third, plus some extra goodies.

The negotiation team from the union did a great job, they have all my respect.


Britannia Nordic Pilot.

15th Jul 2001, 15:36
A big congrats to a job well done!!!

17th Jul 2001, 02:44
Way to go! I'm happy for you. The higher the industry standard is, the better for us all.

Just for my (our!) info what is the salary like overthere for a first year F/O and first year FC?


19th Jul 2001, 16:08
Based on the new contract, a third year f/o with a normal flying schedule will have a net paycheck of (after tax and with traktamente, per diem) 31000sek/month

We have no direct entry captains so you will go from for example four year f/o to four year Captain. The Captain salary is based on the f/o salary + 11000 kr or 30% withever is greater.

[ 19 July 2001: Message edited by: liftdump ]

19th Jul 2001, 20:25
31000 net for a third year FO! Good deal. That´s quite a lot more than a third year FO in SC. And, i think, not far from a 3rd year FO in SAS either.
Where´s the application? :cool:

20th Jul 2001, 08:37
According to our union, there is only a difference of 4000 sek between a 10 year captain at SAS and Britannia Nordic, to the benefit of SAS, however this was before the new contrakt. Our collegues at Britannia UK have a higher life salary than BA.

In regard to applications, contact human resourses in Sweden +46850910000

I don't know if we need any more pilots at the moment, because we had some already approved waiting to get in. One class starts in September.

The application prosess is quite complicated,
Psykometrik tests, like SAS, group excercises, psykological intervjues, company intervues and finally a simride. Positions are offered on the 738