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View Full Version : Scared of the MRI scanner.

15th Jan 2012, 16:36
Hi, I've got a friend who is scheduled to have an MRI scan to her femur and pelvis tomorrow. She's more scared of the procedure than the disease they are monitoring.

Does anyone know if she'll have to go all the way into the tunnel, or whether or not she'll get away with only the bottom half of her body being "entrapped." (Her words, not mine).

Apologies, I'm a bit out of the loop- I try and stay away from hospitals as they are dangerous places:}

thanks in advance, ginge.

15th Jan 2012, 16:49
Well it may depend on machine they use, had 3 scans last year all on kidney area and 2 of them was enclosed and other one head was out.

They shud give her headfones with music and she can ask for a "rochey" valium 5mg shud be fine.

The procedure is fine just bit loud at times with the magnets banging away but better to just get it out of the way.

On all 3 occasions I went in headfirst and I wasnt clausto. Best of Luck

Rory Dixon
15th Jan 2012, 17:03
As always in medicine, there is no single answer to that. The more modern machines have a bore size of 70cm, which is comfortable compared to the 52 of older machines. That reduces claustrophobic fellings quite significantly.
In addition, depending on the field of view to be covered, a feet first position could be possible, thus leaving the head out of the machine. Your friend should just ask.
She will get a small ball handed over, which is a call device for the technicians. So she will not be left without contacting possibility (which also helps a lot for many patients). Many services also offers to play the patients own music, so she should bring some music she is feeling well with.
With friendly care and taking some time for the patient one can reduce the rate of claustrophobic drop outs from 5-10% of patients to a small single digit percentage, so if she tells them early, a good service should take time and keep the time pressure away to allow your friend to settle in.
Overall, it is painless, but quite boring (at least when I was in there for some scientific stuff for almost 3 hours).

15th Jan 2012, 19:17
thanks chaps, I'll pass the info on:ok: