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View Full Version : Something positive from Afghanistan

1st Jan 2012, 11:56
Makes you think there is some hope for the Country.

Afghan enthusiast realises his dream of flying in homemade microlight | World news | guardian.co.uk (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/dec/29/aghan-flies-homemade-microlight)

1st Jan 2012, 13:36
Wow. Full marks to him for giving it a go.

1st Jan 2012, 15:39
A complete diy suicide bomber

Come to the UK, our government will willingly pay for your pilots licence, they will probably buy you a new aircraft to replace your damaged one.

1st Jan 2012, 17:49
he has no plans to fly again. On his fourth flight he crashlanded in rough ground off the runway, doing considerable damage to his microlight. "The government needs to train me how to fly or send me abroad for training," he said. "Otherwise it is much too dangerous."

Ah, the Grauniad spins its slanted web (yet again)

1st Jan 2012, 18:37
Hmm... I saw that thing in Kabul :eek:
It was too heavy to fly at such altitude(5800ft) so they moved it to Shebergan (1300ft)
I will put some pictures tommorow

2nd Jan 2012, 16:11
Good effort !! Great to see someone constructing something in Afghanistan at least.....::D

@ZH ...a little harsh methinks....this is something to celebrate I think...

In any case, I've always thought that a suicide bomber is an intelligent weapons delivery system, and in the absence of modern guided weapons it's the best option some have....after all, some might consider the crews of Bomber Command during WW2 to be some kind of suicide bombers themselves....

I would prefer to vilify the choice of target (innocent civilians) rather than the method of delivery, and some might say that there were a few of those knocked over on all sides during WW2 as well, but I couldn't possibly comment :(

As for military targets...they have their suicide bombers and we have our Apaches, artillery and Fast Air, I know which side I would prefer to be on....

So, rather than suspecting him, wouldn't it be nice if someone came up with a few quid and sponsored him for an ATPL, Afghan Airlines could probably do with some new blood

Courtney Mil
2nd Jan 2012, 17:03
rmac, I think I see the point you're making, but you might want to keep your kevlar hat to hand. I think I hear to sound of mortars being loaded!

2nd Jan 2012, 17:54
Thank you for the incoming warning Courtney.....

Just an exercise in perspective, of which there are many.....and it seems rather unfair to take a cheap shot at a young lad who built his own micro light and then had the balls to fly it, and even managed to avoid killing himself....

2nd Jan 2012, 18:29
Things must be going better in Afghanistan than I know. My thought is that most people's "Dream" would be to have a roof over their heads, food on the table ,clean water, a job, some basic schooling and healthcare and a living environment free of the threat of violence. Going flying wouldn't be anywhere on the list.