View Full Version : Slung load on TV show

Pilot DAR
20th Dec 2011, 01:21
My kids are watching a TV show called Fear Factor. Two AS350 (355?) helicopters are each carrying the end of a full sized car on a 50 or so foot long double long line. The car is occupied by two people, (whom I suppose have to overcome a fear?) who are climbing around the outside of the car in flight. Apparently not secured by anything.

I presume that if one helicopter has a problem, and has to drop the load, the other better also drop at that instant, or it too is going in. Whether they actually drop the load (which is holding two people), or go in with it, there is a pretty good chance that the helicopter ends up on top of the people for no good reason at all!

Was this sort of extreme and needless flying not outlawed following the fatal accident with Vic Morrow? Is it legal to carry a slung load, which is carrying people? Let alone with two helicopters? Let alone repeatedly (I'm seeing the forth go around now...)?

Does the FAA watch this show?

20th Dec 2011, 01:34
It worked out really well for the two JetRangers in Cape Town for (I believe) the same show.

Aparantly connecting two jetties under the skids with a taut line at take off leads to this little thing called dynamic rollover.

Who woudda thunk it?

20th Dec 2011, 08:28
Most if not all pleasure/sporting /leisure/entertainment pursuits are needless .
People die in Hunting/Motorsports/Basejumping/Rodeo etc but if we criticise and try to limit every event that’s considered needless and dangerous, the world is going to become even grayer that it’s already becoming. There are already too many people who are comfortable living gray lives themselves and looking for any justifiable grounds to limit the more adventurous. Risk is a great crowd puller, the fact it involves helicopters is of no import. The public at large are able to distinguish between high risk pursuits involving helicopters as ‘Entertainment’ and the local HEMS or Grand Canyon tour business.

Just my POV…170

ps...I don't care for the show myself,it's just a point I'm trying to make.

20th Dec 2011, 20:12
Is it possible that the car was sufficiently lightened so that a single AS350 would be able to hold it, hence 2 for safety?
Google provides that the max sling load for a B3 as 3000lb, surely you could make a car that light and it still look like a car for TV.
As I've not seen the show it may be that I'm talking from my hoop though.

6th Jan 2012, 00:23
Well put 170' and further note that for movies and the like, these operations are reviewed and FAA has given authority to conduct them.