View Full Version : Piper Cheyenne II flutter video

Pilot DAR
14th Dec 2011, 15:59
Has anyone seen, and can direct me to a video I recall from the distant past. I recall seeing a long time ago (probably 16mm film) showing one of the first Cheyennes, which was painted all blue, with white "blueprint" type artwork.

It was this plane: (I hope this works)

Redirect Notice (http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=piper+pa31t+blueprint&num=10&um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1224&bih=891&tbm=isch&tbnid=6-i2KiBMkertZM:&imgrefurl=http://1000aircraftphotos.com/Contributions/KleinBernhard/5008.htm&docid=fTqgmEmimbsMuM&imgurl=http://1000aircraftphotos.com/Contributions/KleinBernhard/5008L-2.jpg&w=750&h=385&ei=MtPoTqmsH4fy0gGVr7SrCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=309&vpy=177&dur=18&hovh=161&hovw=314&tx=172&ty=103&sig=103965124903705880189&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=107&tbnw=209&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0)

The video (movie) shows it in level flight, with the whole aircraft in an obvious flutter in pitch. This is not the video of the Twin Comanche tail fluttering, though similar.

If anyone can provide me a link to this I would very appreciate it, I have some Cheyenne flight testing to do, which will involve flutter testing.

Thanks, Jim

14th Dec 2011, 16:45
Jim, might be an idea to ring Piper and ask for any videos....

Genghis the Engineer
14th Dec 2011, 18:03
My copy is in my office, and I'm not, but I think that there may be a copy of that video on the electronic edition of the 2003 SETP handbook.


Pilot DAR
14th Dec 2011, 18:05
Yes Sycamore, I asked Piper, and the very kindly told me that was "the old Piper". They don't have it.... (She remembered the plane though!)

Pilot DAR
14th Dec 2011, 18:08

Would that be available to me? I have to flight test two survey booms on two Cheyennes, and I would really like to see the airframe natural frequency, so I can plan on what to look for, and look out for!

Genghis the Engineer
14th Dec 2011, 19:40

I'd recommend having a copy of the manual in any case - it's a useful reference.

I'll be in the right office before the end of the week, 'elth permitting (which it hasn't the last few days - laryngitis apparently) and will see if it's there, in which case I'll email you the relevant bits.

To buy a copy: http://www.setp.org/books-and-video/pilot-s-handbook-and-cd/flypage-ask.tpl.html - $35, which is a lot less than I recall paying when it came out!