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View Full Version : In need of some advice.....

8th Nov 2001, 02:41
OK, here`s the story: I`ve been trainig for my PPL for several (make that 5!) years, on and off now (although more off recently!). I`m fed up waiting for the weather to come good in the UK, and would like to know if it`s a good idea to disappear to the USA to finish. I`ve got 65 odd hours, have previously passed all the writtens, although they have now expired, and I`m becoming totally disillutioned with the whole thing. I can`t even remember why I wanted to learn in the first place! Help me please!!!!!

8th Nov 2001, 04:16
Good idea. If you can take a holiday in the Us or South africa, and do some intensive training you would be better of. My advise to you is 43 air school in South africa og Naples in the US. Both schools have been mentioned in this forum before and you should easily find their addresses somewhere.

best of luck, and remember flying is the funniest thing you can do with your pants on!