View Full Version : Chinese Medical

5th Dec 2011, 13:59
Hello All,

Ive read many times on various forums about how tough the Chinese medical is. Does anyone know if LASIK will disqualify a candidate. Also anyone have any info about the Japanese and Korean medical?

4th Apr 2012, 19:05
I have just gone through CAAC medical. After all the ekg,chest xray,stress test,eeg,eyes,ears,blood,urine,and tears.The CAAC tells me that they won't accept lasik. I've had 20/15 vision for 7+ yrs and have already passed their vision tests. Their ideal candidate is 22 yr old triathlon runner with 8000 hrs total time. Good luck.

Using Rsv fuel
21st Jun 2012, 16:59
Anybody knows what their uncorrected distance vision requirements are?
I have -4 diopters each eye.
Never had any problem renewing my JAA medical but it seems like the chinese are a little touchy...
