View Full Version : JetStar Japan

12th Nov 2011, 07:23
JetStar Japan has started it's interview process. December has a few scheduled interviews.

Does anyone have any of the compensation package information?

15th Nov 2011, 10:42
No info on the package (yet), have a question though. I thought that the minimum requirement for PIC was 250 hrs as per JCAB, none of it being PICUS etc..on the minimum requirements for Jetstar Japan FO position they say 150 hrs as PICUS are acceptable..anyone with an application in is in this situation?

18th Nov 2011, 04:22
Here is some information if you are not familiar with Japan.

In exchange for living in one of the most organized cultures you must pay for this contract.

33% national tax at this wage level and an additional 10% for city and local taxes. That is 43% tax and add social insurance. Don't forget you are living in the Tokyo area and are looking for a 1LDK about 120K Yen minimum.


The Dominican
18th Nov 2011, 06:08
-10,800,000 yen per year before tax for captains and 8,400,000 before tax for F/O's
-productivity pay over 50 hours 15,000 Y for captains and 7,500Y for F/O's (it is expected that you will fly more than 50 hours every month)
-plus an annual 20% for captains and 10% performance bonus (don't know what the parameters are to actually get it) of your basic salary
-2,000,000 for captains and 1,500,000 one time sign in bonus for F/O's
-Commuting expense within the network and public transportation reimbursement, you don't have to live in the Tokyo metropolitan area, you can rent a 4 bedroom home in Narita for example for $1,500 usd. the further you live from the city center the more affordable it gets. outside of the Tokyo metropolitan area you don't pay the additional 10% city tax and the social insurance is paid by the employer, not the employee. Not disagreeing with you in terms that $140k/year is low for living in Japan, just ironing out the details.
-Annual leave is 20 days and 24 days sick leave
-you pay for your initial type rating
-no housing nor school allowance
-loss of license insurance is provided but part of taxable income
-layover allowance is 5,000y within Japan and 4,000y outside Japan

Not stellar if you ask me but it is what it is, a LCC, I didn't expect it to be the best paid gig in Japan, lets see how many taker they get

The Dominican
18th Nov 2011, 06:50
I thought that the minimum requirement for PIC was 250 hrs as per JCAB, none of it being PICUS etc..on the minimum requirements for Jetstar Japan FO position they say 150 hrs as PICUS are acceptable..anyone with an application in is in this situation?
I'm sure you are referring to PIC under supervision when you say PICUS? this is something that is accepted by some ICAO CAA's as well including the JCAB, although some companies in Japan don't accept PIC under supervision time as PIC (like ANA for example) this is due to a company policy and not a regulatory restriction, some companies don't accept cruise captain time as PIC either, although you can as per regulation log the time on the seat while acting as PIC when the captain is at rest, some companies don't accept it

18th Nov 2011, 08:48
Thanks for that, very clear. I thought it was in fact a regulation coming from the JCAB, but it comes from ANA instead..good to know.

And thanks for posting the contract details, looks on the low side for living in Japan, haven't really managed to work out the average net figures though..
plus knowing the Japanese I' d guess that even if you have plenty of time on the 320 they still want you to go through the whole type rating again right?hence you end up paying in any case (correct me if I am wrong)...

Curious about the PEACH package now...

all the best

18th Nov 2011, 09:55
To Dominican
Do you know if the training will be in Japan??
Jal do not have A320 Sim if I recall??
Is the pilots are paid while on training??
Because 6 months course with no salary and having to pay for your own accomodation
is very longgggggg and expensise

The Dominican
18th Nov 2011, 10:16
If you have the type rating (not the SIC type, it is worthless outside of the U.S.) and time in the airplane your training will be a little shorter but knowing the JCAB, don't expect to be in training any less than 6 months, and that is if you are already typed.
I haven't actually seen anything in print about the Peach package (as I did in this case) but one of our pilots actually interviewed there and he said that it will be around 160K with all the trimmings, it was unclear to him if there would be an opportunity to make over time pay as it looks to be the case with JetStar Japan, but it sounds like money wise they are not going to be too far from each other, the final pay package will depend on how many takers they get, the market is pretty dry and some companies are lowering their minimums (first sign before they take the action of actually improving the T&C's) Interesting times on the international jobs market.

I don't have those details about training, sorry. ANA does have A320 sims at the training center and for what I understand the Peach guys will be training there after they get their types in France, I'm sure there will be some sort of pay during training simply because nobody will go for 6 months without pay and they know this, but I don't have any intel on that.