View Full Version : airbandantennas

7th Nov 2011, 14:45
Hello y am Frank from Belgium and y like to listen to the airbands.
But wath is the best airbandantenne to recieves.
Y live about a 50 km from brussel and 70 km from beek(international)
greathings from Frank

DX Wombat
8th Nov 2011, 21:34
Try a quarter wave magmount on your car.

16th Nov 2011, 08:48
hallo,thx for the answer but the antenne is not for the car but on my home on a pylon of 12 mt .
wath do you recommend.
greathings from frank

DX Wombat
16th Nov 2011, 11:17
I'll have a chat with other, more experienced members of the Radio Club when I next see them - hopefully this Thursday evening. I'll let you know what they suggest. :)

16th Nov 2011, 11:41
A very popular aerial is called the Slim Jim (google it). It is basically a half wave over a quarter wave and can be made at home or purchased.

It is very unobtrusive and is something like a large paperclip.

17th Nov 2011, 08:19
oke thx 73 frank

DX Wombat
17th Nov 2011, 19:06
Here you are Frank. I asked a very experienced person and he came up with this. (http://www.wsplc.com/acatalog/D-777_Diamond_120_300MHz_Airband_Fixed_Station_Vertical.html) It looks good and is specific to the task but it will all depend on how much you are prepared to pay. The supplier is a reputale UK firm. Good luck and do let us know what happens in the end. :ok: