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5th Nov 2011, 05:10
Hi, I am new one here.
Did anyone attend AD in Sydney, 28 October for MAM casual CC? I progressed to panel interview and now i am waiting for the result. I heard they already send email to a friend that she is unsuccesful. Now I feel more nervous. I guess no news is a good news. Good luck to everyone.:)

8th Nov 2011, 07:16
Hi, I interviewed for MAM as a casual FA in Sep from Melb and have done my medical but havent heard, has anyone from this group received good news?:)

13th Nov 2011, 09:09
I had my Assessment Day 2.5 weeks ago in MEL and got through to the panel interview. They rang me on Friday to say they were doingf reference checks.

How long after the reference checks could I expect to wait before hearing again?

13th Nov 2011, 12:13
Hi, I heard they do reference checks on all candidates before they let everyone know if they are successful or unsuccessful. My friend who attended the same day AD in Syd had her references checked already last week, but still haven't heard from them. On MAM website they say we should hear from them within 14 working days (that is 3 weeks including weekends) so I'm hoping for result this week. Good luck to all of us.

If successful do you think the training school will start before Christmas? I'm going away from 21/12 - 2/1 and I'm a bit worried that I might miss out.

15th Nov 2011, 03:17
Hey guys and girls

Dont be alarmed if you dont hear anything for a few weeks. Theres a massive recruitment drive going on so their pretty busy. No news is good news. If you know theyve done your ref checks and its been over a week and you havent heard from them, its probaly good news cause it means youve made it through to the 1st review stage.

15th Nov 2011, 04:27
Danfromaus, you were in ground school at the moment right? How is it going?

It was probably a week and a half for me between my references being checked and getting the email saying I'd been progressed to medicals. My application progressed very quickly between assessment day and offer of employment.

Cabin_girl - there are a few ground schools coming up next month and I believe there is one in January too. If starting in December you will be training throughout the Christmas/New Year period, with 4 days off. We were told on our assessment day that despite what the website says, not everyone will hear back from MAM/Qantas within the 3 week timeframe (they said they were going to take that down from their website) as they are very busy and there are several factors that could delay the application. No news is definitely good news :-) Hope you hear soon!

15th Nov 2011, 12:06
Hi Jecui, thanks for all the info. If successful, is medical and security check done at the same time or do you have to wait first to pass medical before sending your security application? I had security checked before in 2003 and it took 5 or 6 weeks. If I make it, I don't think I'll make it to ground school in December as there are only 6 weeks till the end of 2011 and I haven't been contacted yet.
How are you going with the process, what stage are you at?
Good luck to everyone, love reading all the posts and replies!

15th Nov 2011, 22:13
I completed ground school at the end of october jecui.

You could start this year. It can all happen really fast. I waited a totall of like 4 weeks between my interview date and start date. If you are successful this year and cant make it, just tell them and they will surely place you next year

15th Nov 2011, 23:38
Congrats Danfromaus! Are you flying yet? How was it? I'm so excited for ground school!

Cabin_girl - as danfromaus said, it can happen very quickly so you could get in this year if successful (depending on how much notice you've said you need). The medical and security checks are done around the same time. It was only about a month for me between my assessment day and being told I was successful too. Good luck :)

15th Nov 2011, 23:58

It varies so don't be too worried. i attended the same AD as Jecui.. i even did my medicals & sent in my security clearance before her but im still waiting to hear =) this waiting is killing me but once they call, it'll be worth it:ok:


Let us know how you're doing, we'd love to hear more about it!

17th Nov 2011, 05:02
Hi everyone, I'm still waiting for any news but I'm not as nervous anymore. I know its to soon (3 weeks since my AD). It's great to hear and read about all you guys progresses while I'm waiting. When they make their decision they will surely let me know.
Congrant to those who started ground school:D. Keep us informed how is it going.

18th Nov 2011, 03:50
Hi All, I am flying to Sydney on Tuesday for my AD, for BNE base, as they are not doing any up here.....I just want to know what I can expect on the day, can anyone tell me anything??? Nervous AS!

30th Nov 2011, 02:23
Hi All

I am very very new to this. I am writing to find out if anyone was at the Melbourne interviews in September (I think it was the 21st??) and have heard or been successful. I have just received a good news call last Friday and I start training school on the 9th Jan.

I also wanted to find out if anyone knows what to expect from the monthly rosters ie many overnights, typical duty day etc and pay. I am ex long haul cabin crew and was based out of London. I have returned back to Melbourne and thought casual flying might work well as I am a mum and can't be doing with all the full time commitments, hours and brain washing cabin crew can face with companies such as Virgin - in saying all this I do miss flying.

Any feedback would be great...Can't wait to be back in the air....

30th Nov 2011, 03:25
Because you need to be available for a minimum of 20 days a month there is still the potential to work full time (or close to full time) hours (but they should have covered that at your AD). It would just depend on the type of duties you're given as to whether you'd get those kind of hours, but I'd imagine it would vary each month.

30th Nov 2011, 20:10
Hi all,

I received an email this afternoon saying that they would now like to progress my application to the next stage, being medical and security check. :):):)

For those who are still waiting, this was my time frame.
28.10. AD in Sydney
08.11. Call from MAM saying they would like to start my reference check but
need additional information
8.-11.11. All references contacted
28.11. Asking MAM for an update or if they need any more information
29.11. Email saying my file is at the executive review stage
30.11. Email saying my file progressed to medical & security check

Have you start ground school yet?

Does anybody know if there are any ground schools in December?
I heard 9.12. is next GS.

30th Nov 2011, 20:34
Congrats on getting to medical,:D

my GS starts on the 14/12 and the one after that is 9/1 (I was given the choice
of these two dates)...

good luck

10th Dec 2011, 11:07

Congrants on starting your ground school soon. The dates that they offered you where they for Brisbane GS or Sydney GS?
A friend from my AD started GS on 9.12. in Sydney, I am hoping I have a spot in the next one maybe in early January.

Can somebody tell me how long after the medical they tell you when you start GS? Did they call you or emailed you?

14th Dec 2011, 00:05
any one heard any news lately? ground school starts today =) good luck to those who are going and have fun!

14th Dec 2011, 09:32
Cabin_girl - It can take a while sometimes, they will call you. Just assume that no news is good news.

Good luck to everyone starting ground school! It'll be tough but don't give up!

15th Dec 2011, 22:04
i got my call this morning! i start Feb 10th =)

good luck to everyone else.. just for more info.. my AD was October 4th

16th Dec 2011, 00:23
I also got the call this morning 10th feb see you there mangowaffles! The Jan groundschools are full I would have loved to have started earlier. My AD was 11th OCT so hang in there all those waiting it's a long process but my advice if you haven't heard from them 3-4 weeks after you completed your med & sec etc send them a quick email asking about progress I did that and got the offer of employment 2 days later.

16th Dec 2011, 04:20
KK1000 & mangowaffles,


I comleted my medical & security, now I'm waiting for the golden call as well. I hope I'm next as my AD was October 28th only few weeks after yours.

I'm curious about the ground school training, is it Mon-Fri 9-5 and how many are in a class. Any info would be great. Thanks:)

16th Dec 2011, 04:55
Jecui is currently in ground school, she started on Wednesday so maybe she can give you some updates on ground school =)

from what i know.. its not 9-5 and very very tough! but im sure we will all have fun there

im totally excited!!! the wait was torture but when it came i couldnt stop smiling the whole day.. just hang in there and they will definitely let you know. like i mentioned before.. i expected to hear from them a lot earlier but had some issues with my security clearance which delayed it a little.. hopefully you will hear soon!

i too was hoping to start in jan but feb is fine.. it gives my work place plenty of time to replace me.

kk1000 - see you there!

17th Dec 2011, 23:41
Hi All
Just reading all your posts about the ground school. I commenced my ground school on the 10th Oct and finished 29th Nov. I like some of you was very worried because of all the gossip on the forums.

I can tell you the ground school is intense and is difficult (from that side of things), however the EP instructors ease you into these topics and as long as you pay attention, make the effort and study (i.e. not out partying there should be no reason you fail)

Just heads down bum up and you will be fine, I actually enjoyed EP's you are in the simulators and they are throuwing alot of scenario's at you, but you are gradually eased into them........ Be willing to make mistakes and be willing to accept feedback and learn from your mistakes if you do make them, it is the best way to learn and it's better to make them in the practical sessions rather than on your exams.

You'll all be fine. Just remember to study, enjoy and have fun

Look forward to seeing you allk on line and congrats to all that got through

19th Dec 2011, 02:41
I got my Golden call this morning.:) I start my GS February 10th. This was such a suprise because I only did my medical on Thursday afternoon. Didn't expect to hear from them so soon (only 2 working days).

See you there Mangowaffles & KK1000:ok:

All the best to those still waiting.

21st Dec 2011, 08:33
Hi everyone,
Can anyone please tell me if we have to pay for our uniforms? If I remember correctly there is no annual leave, sick leave and uniform allowance but some travel benefits. If there are, is it only domestic flights or international as well? Can somebody please tell me what we are and what we are not entitled to? Thanks, much appreciated.

21st Dec 2011, 10:38
Uniforms are provided. Casual means casual-same as any other, so no sick leave, annual leave etc. After 12mths you can get 2 return trips at staff rates for you and your travel companion on any Qantas flight only.(if your travelling together it classified as 1 return trip.
Roster wise-It varies greatly!! Some people i know are getting around 90 hrs a mth, then some are getting 160hrs-its just pot luck with rostering and also depends if people go sick when your rostered for a reserve

22nd Dec 2011, 00:18

Can you tell us more about your job right now? eg: how many overnights you do, how early/late you start, what ground school is like etc.

i know you said roster varies but can you give us 1 example? like maybe this months roster so we can have a small indication before we start

thanks =)

23rd Dec 2011, 08:35
I have a question to those who already completed ground school. How soon after completing our GS we will start flying? And is GS held on weekends?

25th Dec 2011, 23:41
Overnights vary as do the hours. Some get 100hrs some are getting 160hrs. Overnights-between 0 and 10. Ive been getting an average of 5 a month. I know the guys up in melbourne and sydney have been getting loads of hours and overnights. For the actual hours that you work they pay is pretty good incase anyone is worried they wont make enough.

When you start flying depens on your roster. You may have a week of Available spans and not get called, therefore you wont fly. For me, I finished up on the 28th, started flying on the 1st.

Training takes place when ever they can fit the class in. You may be lucky and get a class that doesnt have to do any late nights. It is done on weekends, public holidays etc. For us we had bad times, some of our finishing times werent until 1am, 2am-even had one day when we started at 10pm and finished 6am

26th Dec 2011, 09:24
Thank you so much for all the info. Can you please tell me few more things, like do we have to wear trainee cabin crew name tag on our first flight(s) or once we complete GS are we like any other cabin crew? How early in the morning can a shift start? Do they provide staff parking?
Sorry for so many question, thank you.
All the best with your flying:ok:

27th Dec 2011, 00:52
Hey guys,

I had my Bne base interview on the 14/11 but because I was in Melbourne I went to the Mel interview.

My references where checked the following week and on the the 14/12 I received my medical and security check email.

I had my medical on the 23rd of December and now my fingers are crossed that I receive the call

Anyone from Bne base can let me know what trips they frequent?? Or any other Mel or Bne base get there calls yet??

27th Dec 2011, 04:00
You dont wear a trainee badge-it wouldnt fit with qantas' premium status. Everything is kind of seniority based-you are pretty much the same as everybody else, but you have no seniority. Earliest start is 45mins before the first flight of the day-which of course varies between the different airports. Its shift work. You may do a back of the clock flight from perth or darwin-sign on 11/12-sign off at 6-7am. You have to prepared for those. Staff parking is provided and you can get discounts with your asic in the airports-varies from store to store

28th Dec 2011, 23:43
Danfromaus, thanks for all the info! every little bit helps... im just worried now about how i will get home and that after training if you say sometimes it ends at 2am =/ i don't have a car so will probably have to cab it home or something if they end that late.

just another question.. the Dental OPG that we have to get before we start.. do you know how much that is? or is it free? (bulk billed) i was told that you can get one for free every year but when i rang up the dentist, they said that it was $95

does anyone else know anything about this?

29th Dec 2011, 10:03
Sydney has a curfew, pretty sure its 11pm-6am-no passengers landor take off between that-so the latest sign off would be like 11ish. You may have to look into the whole transport thing a lot more. They only need to give you 2 hrs notice when your on home reserve, keep that in mind when looking at public transport.

Just go to your doctor and tell them that your jaw is cracking sometimes and that you have a 'friend inmed school' who recommends that you get a OPG to make sure its nothing to worry about and that you would like one as your really concerned about. Or pay the $95:). If you do pay for it, keep the reciept-tax deductible I think as its for work, same as the medical and security clearance

30th Dec 2011, 04:14
Hi guys! I got an email from MAM just before christmas saying that they will be in touch to provide me with interview dates for January as of the new year. All very exciting :) I am just wondering, is anybody else in the same boat for Melbourne, and do you have any idea as to when the dates might be? All a bit of a tight squeeze for me. I've recently quit a very very stressful job, and am getting married in April. I have four months to get myself together! So timing is quite important right now Let me know if anybody knows more, thanks

2nd Jan 2012, 23:21
I went to my GP just told her i needed an OPG for my new employer and she gave me a referral right away, no questions asked.. heading to the xray clinic today to get it done =)

i live in mascot, right next to the station so im not too worried about when i start flying cos i know that theres a curfew.. im just worried about ground school times.. not sure how i will get home if some time the classes finish at 2 in the morning! maybe the shuttle bus who takes the interstate people home can also drop my off at mascot station? will have to figure it out.

btw, Cabin_girl & KK1000

did you guys receive your employment package yet?

3rd Jan 2012, 09:58
Hi mangowaffles

Im still waiting to receive my employment package. I was told I should receive it in approx. 2 weeks since my golden call (19.12.) but I think it will take a little longer due to recent public holidays.

Don't be worried about the transport at night during ground school. I can offer you a lift home as I have a car and mascot is very close ;)

My OPG scan is on hold as Im undergoing root canal treatment:} and next week is my last appointment.OOUUCH for the last time!

4th Jan 2012, 01:37

Thanks for your offer, thats so sweet of you =) i spoke to a girl who is currently in ground school right now and she told me that most of the time, they finished around midnight and one time at 3am! thats why i was a little worried =/ its going to be very intense but hopefully very fun =)

i did my OPG yesterday.. was very quick and got my x-rays within an hour.. now just waiting for my employment pack to arrive!

5th Jan 2012, 03:28
not a problem regarding the transport.

I would like to know if we are going to do our emergency procedures in Sydney or if they send us down to Melbourne? Or when do we find out? Can anyone give us a little inside info?
I just return from overseas holiday and spoke to the crew (Jetstar & Virgin) about Ground school and they all told me its a lots of fun and that I'll be alright passing the exams as long as I pay attantion in the classes and study.
I'm so excited and can't wait.:O
Does anyone know why we have to provide OPG scan? I have a missing tooth (back molar) which is very hard to notice but on OPG will be very obvious. Should I be worried?

5th Jan 2012, 20:41
Cabin Girl,
I think you need an OPG if they had to identify your body in an accident..... horrible yes! I havent received my employment pack yet either but guess GS is still a month away so plenty of time. I wonder if there is a study pack in it, when i started with jetstar we had an exam on the first day and received the information to study in the pre employment pack

6th Jan 2012, 00:28
Ooooohhhh so nervous now, had a missed call from cabin crew recruitment. called them back, and now they will call be back in 10 mins... PLEASE LET IT BE THE GOLDEN CALL!!!!

6th Jan 2012, 00:28
Hi there,

Did you have to get a referral for the OPG? I just went to QLD X-ray and they told me I needed a referral. Will the referral come in the employment pack?

6th Jan 2012, 00:42

i went to my doctor and she gave me the referral.. if you go to the x-ray clinic directly then you will have a to pay a fee (because its for employment) if the Dr refers you there then its covered by medicare. when do you start ground school?


good luck! i hope it is the golden call =) let us know!

i keep checking my mail box for the information pack but its never there! starting to get very excited!! its so close!

6th Jan 2012, 00:50
Hi mangowaffles

I start Febuary 10th. Coming from Brisbane, I can't remember but accommodation is all paid for isn't it?

6th Jan 2012, 00:57
Golden Calll!!!
Start date - Feb 14th
7 Weeks
Bne base

Im so excited :)

6th Jan 2012, 01:26
cherry411 - i start on the same day also so i guess i will see you at ground school! i assume its all paid for and taken care of. i live in sydney though so won't be staying at the hotel with the interstate people.

congrats phephebox =) you'll be starting just a few days after some of us.. hope to bump into you at the training centre!

6th Jan 2012, 03:44
this might sound stupid but is there anyone out there who already comleted training and can provide a copy (at my cost) of studying material? I heard how intense GS is and wouldn't might start studying as I like to be extra prepared and still have 35 long days before I start.
Anyone please
Thanks for any info

6th Jan 2012, 03:58
Yeah definatly guys!!! It's funny cause literally 10 mins later I got a call from cobham who does Qantas link offer me the job as well... But I think I'll stay with mam

And I would love to get the sep manual too :)

6th Jan 2012, 04:33
thats such a good idea cabin_girl! i would love to get a copy as well and start studying ahead.

let me know if anyone replies about this =)

phephebox, that was a good choice ;)

6th Jan 2012, 14:17
I think so to, I have never had a opportunity to have two different airlines offer me a cabin crew job at the same time, nor on the same day.

I cant wait for EPS :) anyone else for the 13th of feb bne base??

7th Jan 2012, 02:54
They tell you not to study ahead and I'd advise this too.They'll send you an email with some precourse stuff to do online before your first day but that's it. The manuals for EPs are all confidential so you can't get them until the first day.

7th Jan 2012, 11:33
I actually started to read some cabin crew manual pdf file that I found on Boeing website to get familiar with the new terminology but not sure if Im waisting my time.
what would you recommend to all of us? How to get prepared for GS? Is there anything that would make it easier apart from lots of sleep and all housework done before our first day?
I must sound like organizer freak but I just want this soooo much. I don't want to fail training or exams as I will never forgive myself if I fail and I'd rather not sleep for 7 week to ensure I study really hard. LOL
Thanks for any advise.

8th Jan 2012, 08:46
Much like what Jecui said, the EP manuals are confidential and because they are extremely bulky, unfortuately I don't think anyone could afford to send out a copy.

However, like my EP instructors advised as well, don't study ahead. You'll only confuse yourself because if you learn the wrong procedures or commands, those will stick with you and you'll have a hard time learning the proper commands.

My advice is that you just prepare yourselves for the 7 weeks. It is intense and your not in Sydney/Melbourne to party or have a good time. Keep your heads down in the books and prepare to give up your social lives for the 7 weeks.

8th Jan 2012, 09:09
Guys STOP stressing out. DONT study anything you find anywhere as it may not be correct information or terminology that is used by qantas. As jecui and andy said, the manuals are Qantas property its against policy to distribute them out. Like they also said, you learn the information is stages, the information is delivered like building blocks-everything builds on top of what you learn. All you need to do before is the pre course stuff which is easy as. just very basic terminology and information about basic aircraft systems. For me, EPs was a breeze. My advice is dont overcomplecate things. Take time to chill and relax, hit the gym eat healthy, GET out of your tiny apartment as often as you can. DONT PARTY EVERY NIGHT, but do have fun by being sensible when you choose to do it.. Be sensible and responsible. I witnessed people in my group who stressed out and worried way too much, studied way too much and when it came to exams-they were stressed and messed up. Dont worry too much, theres always help if you need it, all you have to do is ask. Make sure you do group study and find good study partners.

All your accomodation is taken care of if your not from the city where training is. A bit of an added bonus is you get paid extra money if your from interstate, -something they dont tell you until you start:).
And remember guys that the accomodation is paid for by QANTAS. Make sure you stick to the rules and be cautious with who have 'stay' over. As the staff do advise Qantas of what happens at the premises.
Any questions feel free to ask

8th Jan 2012, 09:21
I would lean towards it wasting your time Cabingirl. You're going to be learning an exceedingly large amount of information while you're at GS, so it is best not to fill your brain with irrelevant things they don't give you. My best advice to you for your last few weeks until it starts is just to take care of yourself, get plenty of rest and enjoy the calm before the storm (because when training commences sleep might be scarce!).

9th Jan 2012, 01:51
hey guys, anyone have a brief schedule of ground school.. like what you would learn in the 7 weeks there. (2 weeks of this, 3 weeks of that, 1 days of this etc...)

i mainly want to know how long we would be trained for EPs.

so excited!! 4 weeks left of work =)

9th Jan 2012, 05:17
What does EP stand for?:confused:

9th Jan 2012, 06:52
Jecui, AndyMelb, Danfromaus
Thank you all for your advice regarding ground school. I will not study anything until they give me their manuals. Im not really a party person and don't have the urge to go out as this is very important for me. I'll be happy to go home after every class and study and practise.

Can someone tell me what is in the employment pack?

EP stands for Emergency Procedures I think.

9th Jan 2012, 07:54
Yep eps are emergency procedures.
For others that have gone thru airline ground school before they may call it seps which is standard emergency procedures,

9th Jan 2012, 22:57
Received an email this morning inviting me to the MAM Casual Crew interviews on the 19th of January for the Melbourne Base!

Any tips from the guys who have just been offered positions?
I recently attended a Jetstar AD and got to final round, and have my Tiger AD the day before, so hopefully I have something that they are looking for.

Wish me luck!!

10th Jan 2012, 00:36
Yes also going to Sydney AD next week. Don't know what to expect as never been to one but I'm sure it will be fine! Can only do you best.

Have no idea what exactly the position is apart from casual work for qantas. Is it qantaslink? I wonder how casual is "casual" and how many hours. Will have to see :)

10th Jan 2012, 00:43
hey guys congrats to getting to AD. its very easy, just a couple of games and presenting, interacting with fellow recruits. you go to lunch and if you receive a text back then you go back to hand in documents and panel interview.

its to work onboard Qantas Domestic and Short Haul flights - Boeing 737, 767 and Airbus a330.

10th Jan 2012, 00:49
congratulations guys!!

dress appropriately, smile, laugh, interact and have fun! most of all relax and enjoy the day =) the assessors will try and make you feel at ease so don't be too nervous!

10th Jan 2012, 00:58
Anyone else get bne base, 13 feb start??

10th Jan 2012, 01:06
Really looking forward to the day! I wonder how many people they are recruiting at the moment, and how hard getting to GS is? Compared to other airlines.

Very much I hope I get through (as does everyone else I guess). See how it goes! And what type of people they look for in qantas.

10th Jan 2012, 01:36

Are you sure it's 13 Feb start? I'm BNE base and I start training 10 Feb.

10th Jan 2012, 01:38
yeah thats whats in my email from mam, im waiting for my employment pack.

10th Jan 2012, 01:41
Interesting, because mine definitely says 10 Feb, maybe there's a couple classes. Do you live in BNE?

10th Jan 2012, 01:46
I live in the sunshine coast, but can easily get to the airport for standbys days.
what about yourself?

10th Jan 2012, 01:54
I'm in Brisbane, about 20 mins from the airport.

11th Jan 2012, 03:24
hrmm.. its been almost 4 weeks now and i still havent received my employment package.. should i wait a little more and assume they're busy or should i give them a call/email to let them know?

anyone else who recently got their call receive their packs yet?

11th Jan 2012, 03:44
Hi mangowaffles,
we should receive our emloyment pack very soon (this week or early next week). The lady I spoke to today told me if I don't receive it by next friday I should give them a ring but she will look in to it as well. When I got my golden call I was told I'll get my pack within 2 weeks. That was 19.12.
I would like to know what is in the employment pack.

11th Jan 2012, 04:16
I'm still so excited, I can't wait for training :) does anyone what happens when we come off the flight for training, is there someone waiting for us to take us to the hotel?

11th Jan 2012, 05:55
Congrats to all starting ground school soon - it sounds so exciting :D
If there is anybody who has completed a recent g/s can you tell me with the 7 weeks what is the schedule like? I am thinking of applying but I have 2 kids and not sure if I could be away for that long? So is there times when you have a few days off in a row? If so I could commute back to perth. Do you get a roster as such outlining duty times etc? Any info would be very useful - I know you find all this out @ the interviews if selected but insider info is sometimes more useful?? :ok:
thanks heaps

11th Jan 2012, 22:02
Shelbs –

I haven’t been to ground school yet so don’t take my word for it but from my understanding, ground school is very tough and intense and i don’t think you will have time to commute back to Perth. 7 weeks can be a long time away from your kids but maybe you can work around it? Have your kids come and visit you for a weekend or something while you’re at training? I think training is held 7 days a week so even on weekends and some public holidays!

Lets wait and hear from those that know a bit more about training and see what they say =)

12th Jan 2012, 11:31
So nervous for the AD next week! Really wonder what they will look for.

12th Jan 2012, 13:54
Possible but difficult.

Better for them to visit you during training, should be fine for them to stay with you (unless you are sharing rooms for the whole training now)

Check if you have access to staff travel right away, or only after passing. It could get expensive flying back and forth.

If you haven't got good family/friends support to look after your kids while you're gone, forget it.

13th Jan 2012, 03:02
Today I received an email from qantas training. Its some kind of on-line training modules to help us prepare for Emergency Procedures. Did anyone else receive the same email?
Its getting closer:) I can't wait.:)

13th Jan 2012, 04:37
No I didn't get that email, maybe cause I have exactly 4 weeks till I start training... I recie pved my cobham qantaslink contract, I'm still stuck in two worlds ... Should I go full time with them or stay with mam

13th Jan 2012, 06:00
Is there possibility going full time after you get casual through Mam? Or do you have to re apply all over external when qantas advertises? I don't get what mam are

13th Jan 2012, 08:14
i didnt get an email today =/ and i start the same day as you cabin_girl. maybe they're just busy.. it is friday after all. still no package in the mail!

will have to wait til monday to see if i get anything... its been a long wait, but its getting so close! 4 weeks from today! isnt it weird we're starting on a friday lol

13th Jan 2012, 10:42
Is it true that you are not directly employed by qantas and you do not get any staff benefits or discounts and than mainline qantas dislike man applicants for full time?? That's horrible if a position came up full time and because you were through mam they discriminate. Oh well.

13th Jan 2012, 11:20
I worked for cobham aka Qantaslink they are actually ok to work for. If you work for mam expect quite a few standby days & you do get descrimiated by older QF workers lots of politics with mam. I heard you get alot of the crap shifts the QF staff can off load & mam employees get them. Qantaslink quite a fair award & you'll meet lots of Great people & aircraft & flying is rather easy no midnight horrors & you get 4 guaranteed roster requests per month not sure mam give you any? Lucky you having 2 offers - I am trying to get back into aviation & it's sure challenging to get any kind of offer - cant even get a look in with virgin even with 7+yrs flying experience - go figure that? Good luck with the decision ;)

13th Jan 2012, 11:22
There is potential to move into full time. MAM is an individual company that supplies Qantas with Casual Cabin Crew members. However, it is not true that you don't have access to the staff benefits. There are benefits, but it's just a bit different.

On the topic of training, the 7 weeks are rather intensive so I would advise you all to get ready for it. If you have kids, unfortunately you will have to make a decision and see whether the job is what you really want. You won't have access to Staff Travel right away and the training times aren't set and are subject to change without notice. So I would advise you to have someone look after the kids while your away.

13th Jan 2012, 11:45
The casual agreement has changed from what it used to be; yes it's true i nthe past that MAM crew did not have access to bidding, paid holidays or staff travel but this has changed I know. Perhaps a current MAM casual can give you the exact details. (Bearing in mind there are -a very few- crew around on the older, different contracts)

13th Jan 2012, 12:05
Thanks so much for the info guys!

Also in regards to first aid cert. I haven't done it yet but can do it ASAP but wouldn't have it for the ad. Will they hold that against me? Or is it ok to do it after the AD. got everything else though!

13th Jan 2012, 12:43
I seriously doubt youd have the time to fly back to perth. If you were to go through training, it would be best to have the family come visit you.

Staff travel is no where near as good as what full time get, but remember its MAM who employs us, not qantas.
The pay and allowances are very good, some of which the QD contract staff get.
They wotn hold it against you. But they wont offer you a start date until you have obtained it.
Theres really not a whole lot of flexibilty. You can only put in a request for 3 consecutive days off per roster.
Rosters vary between all QDs and Casuals as theres really no say to what you do. Only the qantas airways limited(originals) get to bid/dump duties. Being casual doesnt mean your going to get all the 'bad' duties. Ive actually been rostered some really good trips with a great amount of time in different ports.You may only get 6 reserve days a month or you may get a whole month-it varies

13th Jan 2012, 18:20
Thanks heaps!

Are there any immediate upfront costs on the day of AD we need to be aware of?

I am also wondering on pay rates etc and cannot find much info on that. I wonder what a yearly amount would approx equate to. Or hourly rate if anyone knows :) oh and do you get paid for GS. ?

13th Jan 2012, 22:54
Nope, no upfront costs. If you get through your looking at like $180 security, medical atleast $150, shop around for the RSA and First Aid-there are cheaper companies than St John which is rather expensive. Training school is paid for, its a set amount-minimum wage-as determined by the government. hourly rate is good. Hard to tell what a yearly figure would be. You are guaranteed 80hrs a month-as long as you dont have any leave, which of course is unpaid.
Heres a link to the Agreement http://www.fwa.gov.au/documents/agreements/fwa/AE881643.pdf-have a look through it and make sure youd be happy with the conditions before forking out the time and cash, (its what i did before i applied.)

13th Jan 2012, 23:46
Thanks for that shall have a read! Seems much simpler to have a fulltime

I wonder if a position with Rex full time would be better than casual with mam? Ideas anyone. Totally new to this workforce.

sydney s/h
14th Jan 2012, 05:08
Hi guys,

Just randomly reading this thread... I'm a QF short haul CSM.
Regarding your initial training, while you are in the EP part of it you can forget anything apart from study. It's not hard but it's a lot to remember and there are exams everyday. 80% pass mark.

Good luck. Its intense but worth it for the end result!

15th Jan 2012, 02:38
Is MAM essentially the only entry into Qantas short haul now, or is there a chance Qantas Domestic/QD will hire again?

15th Jan 2012, 09:57
Do you know how rigorous the medical is. I broke my arm and had surgery on it years back but it is totally fine and perfect like my other one. Would they hold injuries and breaks against you and fail you for the job? Even though they are perfectly fine now and back to 100%?!! Very worried.

sydney s/h
15th Jan 2012, 19:56
The medical is reasonably thorough but something like a broken arm that is all recovered is nothing to worry about.
I'd broken a bunch of bones and they couldn't care less.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

15th Jan 2012, 20:01
Hey guys,

I just wanted to ask roughly what the weekly pay is? I understand that it is casual and all but I was just curious.

15th Jan 2012, 20:22
Look through the link above in a post someone posted. It's in the agreement. That's what I'm roughly basing it on. Depends on how many hours you work, overtime, allowances etc. change s a bit is presume. Ground school pay is on the mam FAQ.

15th Jan 2012, 21:47
Hi Everyone,
I have been asked to attend at QantasLink Seminar in Cairns, I would just like to know what is involved with the seminar?
And if you are, or know of anyone attending it.
Thank you very much in advance! :):)

15th Jan 2012, 22:12
Does anyone know what we wear for training?

16th Jan 2012, 00:08
Business attire

16th Jan 2012, 06:48
anyone else starting 13th of feb?? would love to meet another bne base

sydney s/h
16th Jan 2012, 07:48
You only wear business attire for the first few days. Then you'll be in uniform from then on.

16th Jan 2012, 09:02

I did my medical last month and was worried like you as I had knee reconstruction in past, I don't have any problems since my operation my knee is 100% if not stronger (2 titanium screws there for rest of my life). The only reminder is a scar. The doctor performed few exercises and stretches to make sure its fine I was told everything is fine. I was offered ground school 3 days later. Good luck

in regards to first aid certificate. I didn't have First aid certificate or RSA when attended my AD. When I got my golden call I was offered ground school but was told that I have to obtain RSA and first aid cert before my first day at GS.
ALL the best

16th Jan 2012, 09:16
Thank you so much. Fingers crosses tomorrow. If I can just get through to the panel I know I'll have somewhat of a chance I hope. But like anything will not get my hopes up too much. Can only be my honest self.

Booked in to do my first aid next week all sorted and my arm should be fine with the screws like you said stronger!

I hope tomorrow goes well! Worried how many people there will be and how they pick who to go to panel.

16th Jan 2012, 10:17
You wear Business dress during EPS and like the 2nd or 3rd day of Service training is when you wear the uniform

16th Jan 2012, 11:42
Hi everyone. Is it possible to attend an interview in another city, other than the one you live in? I currently live in sydney but wish to re-locate to adelaide soon, so how do I go about getting an interview there, rather than sydney, if my application was put thru the first stage. Any help would be great. Thanks.

16th Jan 2012, 12:22
If they don't have an AD in Adelaide, than I would still highly recommend that you attend the Sydney AD. Just let them know at the interview that you would want to relocate to Adelaide base.

17th Jan 2012, 08:00
Through mam/qantas do you get provided with a bag or luggage or purchase it. If so what type and where to buy? Thanks! Also can you bring your own healthy snacks and food to have whilst flying. And water etc. any tips will be helpful :)

17th Jan 2012, 09:07
If you get through they will give you everything you need for your employment. Its not a prison, you can take whatever you want:)

sydney s/h
17th Jan 2012, 09:07
QF will give you all your baggage. Day bags/handbag and overnight wheelie bags. And a suitpack.

regarding your food.. yeap, some crew like to bring their own meals. Just remember that some ports such as PER dont allow you to bring in fruit etc And yes, they are tough on policing it.

During meal times (breakfast/lunch/dinner) QF will supply you with a business class meal. Other times there are always loads of snacks onboard.

17th Jan 2012, 09:16
Wow that's awesome they supply that. Very cool.

Yes I thought perth and some ports down allow fruit. But was querying just in regards to some healthy options as am unaware of all the food on board.

Thank you all :)

Haha prison :)

sydney s/h
17th Jan 2012, 09:26
There are always choices for the crew meals. Usually there is a salad choice (healthier) and all the hot meals have a side salad.

You can eat healthy... until you get to the crew ice creams. Goodluck resisting the Maggie Beer ice creams!!!

17th Jan 2012, 09:38
Oh gosh maggie beer ice cream is awesome! Didn't know such nice foods existed on planes. Although I have never flown business or first class. My goal one day to fly first. Now that would be wonderful. Good to see a job you don't have to pay for lunch if you don't want :)

sydney s/h
17th Jan 2012, 22:28
You won't have much time to eat when you first start flying. Too busy getting your head around everything. And you'll be working business class which is pretty busy.

17th Jan 2012, 22:35
better for staying slim :) although dont want to run myself down.

18th Jan 2012, 00:04
how did you go yesterday? sydneysider

18th Jan 2012, 00:52
I had a fantastic time. Lovely people and so much fun. Just wait to hear I guess like the rest. But had a good day. Long day but great. Wasn't even nervous really just myself :) never been to a day like that and didn't prepare but got called back straight away.

18th Jan 2012, 03:17
Hey guys, just got a call from mam. New start date feb 1 :)

18th Jan 2012, 04:42
you get to start almost a whole week earlier =) did anyone else get changed around?

also.. did anyone else also get that email that cabin girl got about the online modules?

18th Jan 2012, 09:53
Two weeks early :) I can't wait, any one else get the call

18th Jan 2012, 10:46
This is weird.:eek: I got an email from qantas:

Hi, thanks for your email.
I'm out of the office until January 23rd, I'll reply when I get back.
All the best,
Qantas Airways Limited
ABN 16 009 661 901

I didn't send any email to Qantas or MAM or Steve.
Even the fact that some people didn't get emails about the online EPS modules that I received is strange. And now they are changing dates of Ground School to again only some people. And where is the bloody employment packs? I hope things get sorted out soon.

Question about uniforms, do we get shoes as well? If yes are they comfortable? Can I use my own shoes or do I have to wear theirs only? Thanks for any info

18th Jan 2012, 12:28
Don't study before EP's guys. Trust me you'll get more then enough during your 8weeks. The best part is you'll get to repeat it every 6 months :} with your recurrents.. congrats to all you new MAM'ers. You're all getting some bloody good rosters - jealous! x

19th Jan 2012, 04:48
lady sensei,

What happens when we get to the airport to fly to sydney, is there someone waiting to take us to the hotel? do we get all course information then?

19th Jan 2012, 07:07
Have any of you done, or are going to do, the language test for qantas through UNSW? What benefits does it have if you get accreditation? And what happens if the language is not one of the Asian languages specified that qantas like. I was interested in it more just to do it and learn and get accreditation.


19th Jan 2012, 07:13
If you do the test you get X amount added to your flying pay or base salary - I can't remember which.

And any second language is fine :)

19th Jan 2012, 08:11
You get an extra allowance for where the language is required on the flight. This will generally only apply to international where you will be the designated language speaker required to make the announcements and answer any inquiries made within that language. e.g Cantonese on a HKG flight or German on a FRA flight (that would be long haul only though)

19th Jan 2012, 08:15
Thanks for that, yeah wouldn't be worth my while. Only I guess if you were flying to that country.

20th Jan 2012, 00:33

yeh i thought it was a little strange that you got an email and the EP modules but no one else did.. not sure why.

If you put on your application that you only nee 2 weeks notice then i guess its ok for them to move you forward and change your ground school day, as long as they give you as much notice as you need. i wished i was starting earlier!

i spoke to someone in recruitment the other day, she told me that the training department has not given them our graduation date yet which is why they have not sent out the package, but since they're taking too long, they might just send it out and then we will be advised of our graduation date on our first day of ground school.

this was on tuesday, so she said it should be here by today or the start of next week! i really hope so because its very close

20th Jan 2012, 01:14
they called me advising if it was ok for me to start early, I was estatic.
If we are starting feb 1 then it makes it a 21 march graduation.
i didnt get any online modules either.

20th Jan 2012, 02:29
My employment package arrived today.:D:D:D

Did anyone else received it as well?

20th Jan 2012, 02:37
ohhhh i cant wait to go home and check my mail box!!

anything exciting inside?

20th Jan 2012, 02:43
My GS didn't change. I start February 10th

The online EP's are easy, however there is a quiz at the end which you have to complete and send a feedback so they know you've completed the modules. I found it so weird that you guys didn't get it yet. Especially PhePheBox who starts almost 2 weeks earlier than me.

20th Jan 2012, 10:32
my pack came today also =)

now for the online modules! was it just a link that was sent to you cabin_girl?

20th Jan 2012, 16:03
My pack came too!!!! :)

20th Jan 2012, 23:29
I got my pack and I start Feb 1st now too :)

21st Jan 2012, 00:25
Yeah :) brissy base too??? Guess we will be getting the flight together

21st Jan 2012, 01:01
Hi, I was at the Melbourne AD in September and got the offer this week hope you have had some good news!

21st Jan 2012, 01:24

Wow! I was at the September one too! Except i got knocked back after 2 months of waiting.

Did you hear anything before your GC? Or was that the first?

21st Jan 2012, 02:10
Wow 2 months of waiting!! Did they say why? Did they check references and do a medical etc?

My references have been checked only 3 days after my AD ...hope it's a good thing and the ball gets rolling quickly.

21st Jan 2012, 05:12
Nope! They did say to expect up to an 6-8 week wait(because of the ASIC stuff and general backlog). It just took forever. All of my references were checked in the first 3 days, too. Then nothing. For two looong and agonising months.

I was knocked back on the day after they grounded all services...I thought maybe they knocked everyone back as an attempt to save some money.

I'm not terribly fussed, I got an F/A job with Jetstar a few weeks after that so I'll probably try again in a year or so or go for Emirates when I'm 21

23rd Jan 2012, 07:18
phephebox & cherry411

let me know when you get an email about online training modules.. you're starting next week!! so excited!!

23rd Jan 2012, 08:39
I cant wait!!!!! next wednesday i start. Yay. when do we get uniforms? and what happenes at syd airport when we arrive

23rd Jan 2012, 08:44
i thought there wouldve been info about your flights and what happens to you when you get to sydney... im guessing someone will be there to pick you all up and take you to the hotel

i think you will stay at the holiday inn.. right across from my house =)

uniforms... i was told you receive it at the start but you don't wear it til maybe a month after (i think after EPs but im not sure)

23rd Jan 2012, 08:51
soooooo, it would be great if they did that, im guessing ill get a call regarding my flights sometime this week.

23rd Jan 2012, 08:53
Do you know if we get our own rooms, or do we share?

23rd Jan 2012, 08:57
Im sure its a room to ourselves.

23rd Jan 2012, 09:32
We had nobody to meet us, we had to fend for ourselves:( We got a qantas bus just outside the terminal which dropped us off near the accomodation. You will most likely stay at the Quest mascot. If there, you will get a studio or 1 bedroom to yourself or you may have a 2 bedroom and have to share with 1 other. Depends on what they have organised/availability. You wont get flight details until like a day or so before you go. Theyll give a letter to you as well advising where your staying

23rd Jan 2012, 10:14

cheers mate, :)

24th Jan 2012, 23:24
Hey, everyone here seems to be getting good news which is awesome :)

I had my recruitment day on the 18th of january got through first and second phase... Hopefully gone to reference checks :) anyone else here reading from Perth too? Where are u at in the process?

Btw all the stories on here sounds so exciting I can't wait to see if I made it in!!!

25th Jan 2012, 00:27
Hey guys, recieved my training letter today advising on my flight details. anyone else get the new start date of 31st of jan?

25th Jan 2012, 02:22
hey, isnt that just your flight date? so that you get here a day earlier than ground school?

did this come in the mail? im in sydney but just curious, still waiting for the online training module info!

25th Jan 2012, 02:31
i received the phone call first, then received the email advising me of my flight details and all assortments.

My training begins on the 31st of jan, I arrive on the monday the 30th.
Yeah and im still waiting for these online modules as well.

25th Jan 2012, 02:50
I just got an email from qantas training.. thought it was the modules but it was just a pdf explaining to me about where to meet etc..

25th Jan 2012, 02:59
guess we will be training buddies

25th Jan 2012, 03:23
:) SO! After being rejected from Qantas 5 months ago, I get a random call from MAM this morning being offered a position.

It's a shame i can't get on this Jan course...(even though, i would drop EVERYTHING now to do it!)

Ans of course this happens a week before i start with Jetstar :ugh:

25th Jan 2012, 05:08
Did you take the mam offer over jetstar jacintamerri?

What doesn't happen if say, you applied with mam and say eg. Virgin. And you're waiting to hear from either. Then mam offer you and say you are to start on such and such date and you are still waiting for virgin.
What does one do. Say yes to mam and if you got an offer from virgin before your mam start date would you say yes to virgin (as its permanent/full time and more to your liking) its very hard!

I wonder what people do or how they go about it :S

25th Jan 2012, 06:40
sorry everyone but do MAM employees generally do long or short haul routes?

25th Jan 2012, 06:41
Short haul. Domestic and sometimes nz and Asia.

25th Jan 2012, 06:55
It has to go to executive approval first before anything is set in stone.

I think I'd be silly to say no...I'm going to continue studying my Jetstar Pre-course training stuff and I'll go to GS but I'll jump ship to Qantas when/if the offer comes.

Fingers crossed I hear before GS starts...I would hate to start it and then have to resign!

25th Jan 2012, 07:09
Yeah that's what I was wondering. Can you start and take a better offer. But I would hate to be slack as its a process to get you on the job. But yeah. See what happens!

26th Jan 2012, 10:05
hey can someone answer a few questions for me.

when i got my call, for some reason i remember them saying we don't get uniform allowances but in the contract it says that we do.. so which one is right?

and.. does qantas take care of the dry cleaning of our uniforms? cos i know when i went to the Jetstar AD they said they do but Qantas never mentioned it anywhere... unless i missed it.

thanks =)

26th Jan 2012, 15:06
At the AD they said uniforms are paid for and you get heaps.

Then they also said in your normal pay rate/allowances dry cleaning is factored into that I believe.

26th Jan 2012, 20:30
Hi! im attending the AD next week in Sydney and was wondering if anyone who has been through the recruitment process knows the medical requirements for qantas/mam? i was misdiagnosed with epilepsy a when i was younger but since been given the all clear, would they care? do they even ask about things like that?
thanks heaps!

26th Jan 2012, 22:27
Uniform allowance is paid in training while you wear the uniform-2 weeks. After that its included in the hourly pay. You have to pay for dry cleaning yourself

26th Jan 2012, 23:10
Don't suppose any of you know if it's okay to have a (very) small dog in the apartment that's provided to us during training.

I know it's okay for family to stay...but i can't find anyone to look after my dog so it looks like i'll need to bring him with me somehow.

27th Jan 2012, 00:59
Has anyone tried to call Qantas training recently? I'm trying to call them to confirm that I have received the training email but no one is picking up for the past few days :(

27th Jan 2012, 01:10
Sorry, but you will absolutely not be able to take your dog with you to Sydney!! What will you do when you finish training and get called out on a 5 day trip with 2 hours notice?? Might be a good idea to get doggy sitting organised before heading to do the training!! Good luck!

27th Jan 2012, 01:27
Hey guys, was just wondering if anyone attended the Brisbane AD on the 3/11? Ive had my references checked and had my medical on the 23/11 but since then nothing, anyone else in the same boat? All this waiting is driving me crazy lol

27th Jan 2012, 04:19

Hey I had my interview in Perth on the 18th of January and heard my references were contacted on Tuesday so I guess am in the same boat as you waiting for some sort of response. Some one from my group got an email saying she wasn't successful on Wednesday. So hopefully we are fine I hope :) guess we just have to wait and see like everyone else :)

27th Jan 2012, 04:27
Yes I've heard that people have received unsuccessful emails already. So no news is good news I hope. Just wait wait wait. I'm unemployed at the moment but would love to be working ASAP.

27th Jan 2012, 04:35
Hopefully u get in!! It is just the waiting that is so hard I guess :) hopefully we hear something next week fingers cross :)

27th Jan 2012, 04:41
Yes I hope so. Apparently my ref check went brilliant. So just hope I get asked for a medical as that means a good thing I hope. By the end of next week I'd like to hear something. Waiting to hear from virgin too. The waiting game is frustrating.

27th Jan 2012, 09:32
I don't have a problem with 5 days. Or 14 days. I have a problem with 2 months...I wouldn't have asked if i hadn't exhausted my other options.

I'll just rent a place for the 7 weeks.

27th Jan 2012, 10:00
Does anyone know if there's a copy of the MAM employment agreement anywhere online? Is it the same( or similar to) the Qantas one on their website?

I've had a look around but the only one i can find is the Qantas one.

27th Jan 2012, 10:02
Hey! If you get in with Qantas, we may be in the same GS!!

27th Jan 2012, 10:14
I have the MAM one, its in a link somewhere on this site, that's where I got it from. I dont have it on my pc though, its in iBooks.

27th Jan 2012, 14:01
3 days till i start training :) yay!!!

I rang a couple of days ago asking for the online modules, yet didnt recieve any call back so ill just bring it up to the trainer on monday.

Vitamin A
29th Jan 2012, 14:42
Hi Cabin Girl, Mangowaffles & Cherry411,
So excited to be here & I think I have the same training date as you all in Feb! Will be great to meet you in person! :)

I had read by Danfromaus that you wear a business clothing first few days then the uniform that they provide after that. I received an email mentioning that the business dress standard is for first 4weeks. Does anyone have any thoughts or clarification on this point?

If I can avoid packing too heavy because business clothes are so bulky that would be handy to know. Plus they cost a ton. Anyways, thanks heaps! Peace out.

29th Jan 2012, 21:08
anyone else attending the sydney AD this wednesday??? sooo excited!!

29th Jan 2012, 21:08
It's more likely to be for a few weeks.
After the clothes are fitted, they need to be made and such.

I know with Jetstar it takes 3 weeks for the uniform to arrive and until then we wear business clothing.

29th Jan 2012, 21:36
Hey guys
What I said was that you wear business dress for all of EP training, you only wear the uniform at the end for like 2 weeks or so. (handy hit if you get dry cleaning done and are stayin in Mascot. DONT get it done through Quest, take it down to Botany road yourself, its the same company that quest uses but is half the price.:)

29th Jan 2012, 22:31
I turned down the MAM AD on Jan 20th as I have received an offer from another airline.
This morning however I have received an invite to the Melbourne AD tomorrow again.

For all of you who are currently with MAM, how do you like it?
My offer was from a budget airline, I thought I would start with them and then possibly change after a year or so once I got the hang of it, however if MAM had guaranteed hours, and staff parking, and more flight routes, am I doing myself an injustice, not attending?

I will need to take sick leave, and feel guilty as my boss has been so understanding giving me 3 days off to attend AD's in the past 2 months, and keeping me on until my GS starts in March my guess is.

Any feedback would be lovely!

30th Jan 2012, 00:21
Vitamin A, welcome =) see you at ground school!

i was told by someone that you get your uniforms fitted after the first few days.. not sure when you receive it.. she said you will get it when its all done so no one misses out.

packing for 7 weeks is a lot of stuff! good luck guys!

30th Jan 2012, 00:48
got my timetable today =)

30th Jan 2012, 01:41
Is there any recommendations of things to bring with you to Mascot? Or to get while there.

30th Jan 2012, 03:10
Hi All! I'm new here too! Waiting to hear if I have progressed to the next stage after my AD- its been over 2 weeks now! I hate the waiting game :ugh:

30th Jan 2012, 04:16
If it makes you feel any better...I waited 2 months...got rejected than 4 months later got a random call from MAM being offered a position (pending executive approval)

So keep your head up!

30th Jan 2012, 05:19
I just hate not knowing! I want to get in REALLY badly! :uhoh:

30th Jan 2012, 05:22
Unfortunately there are dozens of people in the same boat and ALL of them want to get in also. It's just the nature of the industry. Be prepared to wait weeks, or months only then to be cut. It's harsh. But they know they always have 100s of applicants

30th Jan 2012, 05:27
You'll get your uniforms fitted within the first week and although you'll get them straight away (unless you need alterations), you won't wear them until service training (about 4-5 weeks in like Dan said).

Rochelle, I would recommend attending. The hourly rate is very good, and the minimum number of hours you should get is 80 a month, but from what I understand you will get much more than that. I'm almost finished training and everyone I've met along the way from MAM have been very happy with the hours and money. I have met a number of ex MAMers who are now CSMs or on the 380 long haul, so career progression is there. Qantas flies all over Australia so there are a variety of routes (you will get decent overnights!), and as short haul you will operate on some international routes too.

30th Jan 2012, 06:46
Thanks so much Jecui, you have given me everything I need to know, to go ahead positively!

Its hard as the carrier that I have been offered a position with doesn't guarantee any hours monthly, and the pay for GS is on completion and a lot less than I am currently on, and as I would be traveling an hour each way to GS daily, I'd be putting a fair bit of that towards fuel.. but I AM willing to do it, to get the job of my dreams!

JacintaMerri have you decided to accept the MAM offer over the Jetstar position?

30th Jan 2012, 07:02
MAM/Qantas pay better than Jetstar, and you'll get paid fortnightly throughout the training (rather than at the completion of GS!). The training wage isn't a whole lot but the hourly rate is high - around $35 p/h from memory. If you are allocated the bare minimum 20 hours for one week (i.e. all home reserves for a week without being called out - you're on standby for 12 hours but get paid for 4), you'd still make a full time wage. Whilst being on reserve for many consecutive days is always to be expected in this industry (I have a lot of this in my first roster), I'd say you would be called out most of the time... Hence, I don't think money would be an issue.

30th Jan 2012, 07:30
I knew once i got the call that i would take Qantas over Jetstar!

I'm still waiting on the executive approval but hopefully I'll hear something soon as GS for Jet* starts next Monday!

30th Jan 2012, 07:33
Is $35 the base rate pay or the flying pay? I was going through MAM's employment agreement and it wasn't particularly clear.

Jet*'s flying pay is $34 p/h, $21 p/h on the ground

30th Jan 2012, 07:36
Currently its a base rate (casual rate before allowances) $31-32. Extra $15ish for overtime. I believe that rate is flying/ground rate. That is what we were told, exactly what's in the agreement.

Hard to know exactly as you get paid in a lump, allowances etc. I guess on your first payslip it will be easier!

30th Jan 2012, 07:39
Thanks so much JacintaMerri and Jecui

Hopefully I end up your way some day - Fingers crossed you find out JanictaMerri before you enter GS.


30th Jan 2012, 07:41
That's what I assumed!

In the agreement, I've read it as you only get route pay on international flights (Not quoted! That's just how I've understood it...maybe i should re-read it :P)

I knew i must have been reading it wrong but it wouldn't hurt to ask. ;)

30th Jan 2012, 08:03
It's from sign on to sign off I believe. The $35 or so includes the Daily Travel Allowance (which is roughly $5 or $6 - sorry, don't have the contract with me at present so I'm going off memory!). You get paid that DTA per hour while you're overnighting as well. I didn't realise Jetstar paid that much - from what I was told, I thought it was much less than Qantas. Good luck to those still waiting - hope you hear soon.

30th Jan 2012, 08:31
Jetstar pay rate (to be exact)

Base pay - $21.40 (sign on to sign off)
Flying pay (chocks off to chocks on) - $32.70 (+$11.40) + any other allowances

30th Jan 2012, 08:42
i went to both the jetstar and mam AD so this is what i understood..

Jetstar has 2 different pays.. a base pay (so once you sign in at the airport, while waiting for the plane to be ready, delays, when you do airport reserve, when you do home reserve.. basicially anything that is on the ground) so like jacintamerri said, base pay is 21.40.

then once the plane takes off, while you're flying you will get an added +11.40 on top of your base rate which = 32.70, it will go back to base rate once the plane lands and pulls in to the terminal.

with mam theres only one pay and its about $35 approx from sign on to sign off.. this rate is for all duties - home reserve, airport reserve, delays, flying etc..

so in the end, the pay at mam is much better than with jetstar because you get paid a higher rate at all times.. its kind of expected as jetstar is a budget airline and they try to save as much as they can to be able to keep the cost low.

this is just from my understanding... correct me if im wrong.

jacintamerri.. good luck =) i hope you get approved and moved on to the next stage

good luck to the others also! it may be a long wait, but well worth it :O

30th Jan 2012, 11:50
Hey guys, I made it through to the end of the day with both Jetstar and MAM recently and am waiting to hear back. Just wondering in the event of being accepted into poassibly both, would it be better to go with Jetstar or QF?? I have seen that MAM pay more, but then again they do seem to be FAR less flexible. I understand what a job in the airline industry entails, as I have been there before. But Jetstar just seem much more flexible as you get to have 9 days off any duty per month. You also get to have more say in how to lay out your weekends. Is there anybody who knows for sure what both are like to work for, or is it much of a muchness.

30th Jan 2012, 21:11
I'd definitely go with Qantas if you're concerned about the time you get off.

With MAM (I believe) you get a months paid leave per year, 2 free flights per year and a lot more destinations to fly to.
I also believe that 8-9 rostered days off is the norm for the industry (feel free to correct me, if wrong)

With Jetstar, there are no blocks for employees to take leave in, it's unpaid, no free/discounted flights, you can have a maximum of 3 consecutive days off per month.

In my opinion, MAM is the better company to work for.

30th Jan 2012, 23:00
no paid leave at all :{- MAM positions are CASUAL, 2 tickets per year are at staff discount rates not FREE, better than nothing.:)

30th Jan 2012, 23:15
I could have sworn they said it was paid leave. Meh! I just want the job....I couldn't care less whether leave was paid or not!

30th Jan 2012, 23:53
The hourly rate is higher than normal fulltime pay, it is a casual rate. So all leave unpaid, unpaid sick leave etc. casual rate so being a bit higher haa that all factored in for you to budget etc.

But the 4 weeks every 12 months is unpaid I was told. It's in the agreement.

31st Jan 2012, 00:37
in my opinions, the MAM contracts are a lot better than jetstar - you get paid for training (whereas Jetstar you only get 1000 at the end) the pay rate is a lot higher, you get to do overnights (and get paid an allowance while you're there, i think 5 or 6 an hour?) you get to travel to many more destinations and sometimes internationals.. etc

ive been told that you also get a lot of home reserve (maybe in the slower periods) if you don't get called out to fly then you will get paid for the first 4 hours ($140) so basically getting paid to sit at home and do whatever!

as with leave... you will not get paid for leave or sick days. but the agreement that was posted on here earlier states that in a month, you will be allocated 20 days of duty.. so that equals 11 days free a month! 3 of those which you can apply and take as consecutive. im not sure if its the same case when its peak season though. will find out at training next week!

31st Jan 2012, 00:43
I have been followng this thread for a while.
Good luck to you and those that are starting GS soon.
I am still on the fence about applying for MAM. It is just the thought of 7 weeks away from home for training. I know that is I did do it when I got back there would be 7 weeks worth of dirty dishes, dirty closthes, dust and the rest. 3 pre teenage kids and 1 husband can create alot of mess. I hate coming home to the mess from seven hours away - dread to think of seven weeks!

Any way good luck - have fun and when you get the time fill us in on GS :ok:

31st Jan 2012, 01:14
JacintaMerri I remember 100% that the 4 weeks of leave is definitely unpaid. It's so hard as I could just as well be unsuccessful with both lol But haven't heard anything for over 2 weeks so am keeping my fingers and toes crossed! I really wonder why there were very recent ex MAM crew at the Jetstar interviews..... I wonder why they weren't happy with where they were before and decided to go for a budget airline instead. I guess everyone is different, and it's each to their own. I think right now the only thing putting me off MAM is indeed the 7 weeks away. As a just about newlywed it will be a bit challenging with the timing and all. Yet it is my dream job and I have come this far :\ I think I just have to weight up each one, and see what best fits me as a person (should I be so lucky!) Neverthless SO thankful I have you guys to keep me posted :) So thanks heaps for that.

31st Jan 2012, 04:00
Whoa!!!! Got an email today progressing to the next stage :) medical and security check :)

Anyone else got through from Perth or interstate??

31st Jan 2012, 05:51
marly, thank you =) i was going to suggest that maybe you can rent a place here for the 7 weeks and have them here with you but then you mentioned about the pre teen kids and your husband so i guess that can be difficult =/ good luck in whatever you decide though :)

vitamin a - did you receive an email from training lately? they sent over info about where to meet next friday, what to wear etc? and then also a calendar of everything we will learn, times we start etc? it seems like i got it but some didnt.

cabincrew88 - congrats! hope you dont have too wait long.. i waited almost 2 months! while others waited a few days after medicals haha

31st Jan 2012, 05:58
hope89 - when i went to the mam ad, there were like 6-8 current jetstar crew that were looking to change. they told me they just thought qantas was more classy and the pay was better with more opportunities etc

but one thing that will always be true - people will never be happy with what they have lol, just remember that there will always be pros and cons in whatever job/company/industry you chose to go to ;)

31st Jan 2012, 07:07
Thanks mangowaffles :) yikes don't tell me that lol have to wait another 2 months argh! Hope I don't :) need this job quick :) can't wait for a change of jobs and of the ground I get :)

31st Jan 2012, 10:43
congratulations:ok: Good luck with your medical. Hope things will go fast for you. I was one of the lucky ones to get my golden call so soon after my medical (my medical was on Thursday afternoon and I was offered Ground School monday morning).

Im going to give them a ring tomorrow about the timetable and also if they can clarify the location for next Friday as I haven't receive any information since my employment pack arrived.

Vitamin a
Congratulations and I'll see you at GS.
I wonder if we are all going to be in the same class.

Does anyone know how many are in a class? My friend who just completed training for Jetstar ground crew only had 5 people in her class, but I guess thats different to Cabin crew training.

31st Jan 2012, 11:19
Hi everyone,

Wondering if anyone here attended the ad on 25 Jan and got through the panel interview?

31st Jan 2012, 13:06

Oh whoa that is quick! Yea I hope mine is just as quick too :) anyone knows if they are fine with people wearing contact lenses I dont think it will be a problem but am just wondering cause the medical sounds quite stringent.

Vitamin A
31st Jan 2012, 16:24
Mangowaffles & Cabin Girl- Hi there. Thanks Cabin Girl. I have been following your thread since you began it. That would be cool to meet you! Mangowaffles, Yes I have received my timetable and flight details. I am absolutely looking forward to it. I have never been to Sydney. I noticed that you are a Sydney resident. Maybe you can help show us around if we get lost in the big city :O

Cabincrew88, don't worry about the contacts. I myself wear glasses. Hang in there, it's a wait but so absolutely worth it! Keep yourself busy is all I can recommend. :)

31st Jan 2012, 20:57
Mangowaffles - SO TRUE! :) and QFbee I was at the Jan 19th AD.... so kinda close haha maybe we can both keep track on hearing from them since it's only a few days apart. Have you heard anything yet?

31st Jan 2012, 21:10
Hey guys.

I have a question on behalf of a friend who is here with me now.

She applied with MAM got through and offered a position. She Also got offered a position with Virgin (Dom). She's up in the air as to what to do. Ive been saying go virgin as the job is perm. Full time. But would there be Any pros and cons of both? To help decide.

31st Jan 2012, 21:25
Virgin WITHOUT A DOUBT! You are right it is permanant and it's full time, you get more benefits, it's probably the hardest one to get into or hear back from, and they just in general have the best reputation. I wouldn't even be thinking about a decision :) Why go casual and be on call a lot of the time when you can have more stability. Good luck either way!

31st Jan 2012, 21:54
Yes I was saying virgin without a doubt. The company is amazing anyhow and they really look after people. I guess it is the hardest to get into also.thanks I'll pass it on.

31st Jan 2012, 23:31

I went for my AD in Perth on the 18th of jan and got my medical and security email yesterday so I dont think it will be too long befor you hear from yours too :) fingers cross.

Vitamin A

Thanks :) now I just need to go for the medical on Monday :)

1st Feb 2012, 04:07
cabin girl - got the training modules today.. strange thing is, the person who was looking into it for me, she said that they only just received the final copy of participants in my class so no one has been sent the training modules so they are not sure why you got it. its weird.. cos you didnt get the training info and timetable email so i hope nothing got changed =/ hope they get back to you soon!

vitamin a - would love you show you around sydney =) thats if we have time cos training will be very intense haha.. i live very close to Qantas head quarters (and im guessing near the hotels you will be staying) so i will be your guide :)

1st Feb 2012, 04:22
Yay I got an email! I've progressed through to medical and security check! excited

1st Feb 2012, 05:01

I'm not sure of the transfer agreement between Virgin Dom and Intl, but one plus for going Mam casual is the possibility of transferring across to QCCA. The rumour going around work is that QCCA won't be hiring at all, we'll be getting all new crew from QD and Mam and conversion classes are booked to Sept.

Congrats to everyone getting through, my best friend is waiting too :D

1st Feb 2012, 11:10
congrats on finally receiving the EP's modules. I also find it strange as I got them on 13.1. This was the last contact from MAM. Im hoping for email fom MAM in next couple of days to confirm the location. I was told today (from MAM recruitment) there are 2 classes starting on 10th. Im probably not in the same class as you and Vitamin A.

I don't think you will have any problems if you are wearing contacts. They will ask you to read the smalest text that you can. The hardest I found was the audiogram (hearing test). I also had a letter from my GP confirming my vaccinations and their dates. I was so scared of my medical as I had a surgery on my knee (works perfect now) but that was not a issue to them. I was told I passed the medical at the end. Good Luck:ok:

1st Feb 2012, 11:28

Oh cool :) Didnt know they would tell you at the end of you pass or fail the medical... That is good I guess haha know if I even stand a chance haha don't think I have any problems though or none I know off haha

1st Feb 2012, 11:36
Hope 89, hope that we both will get the good news soon. Have they completed your reference check?

1st Feb 2012, 11:53
I also didn't expect to hear I passed on the day. I did my medical in Sydney at the Qantas Jetbase with Dr.R.Brown. He just said to me at the end that the good thing is that I had all document with me and I came here because all files are send to him and he is the one who decides if pass or fail. Hope you hear good news soon!

1st Feb 2012, 11:55

Jetstar have contacted my references in the past few days, whereas Qf have not as of yet.

1st Feb 2012, 12:11

That is lucky... I am in Perth though so I hope they still do tell me if I pass if not it is another wait again ay...

Can't wait to start though I can't imagine starting this job as a cabin crew ay :)

2nd Feb 2012, 00:17
cabincrew88 - i did my medicals in sydney but not at the qantas jetbase, the doctors are able to tell you on the spot if you pass or not cos they can pretty much see if you're physically fit, i asked them if i will find out and they said yes the doctor will let you know right away.

just make sure you have all documents and get all vaccinations done beforehand! cos that can take some time waiting if you havent done all those

2nd Feb 2012, 01:02
hi! went to the ad in syd yesterday, got an email today saying there contact my references!!!! anyone else in the same boat?? or know how long this takes??? sooo excited but dont wanna get my hopes to high just yet....

2nd Feb 2012, 01:09

Thanks so mug for your advice :) hope everything goes well Monday and hear from MAM ASAP :)

2nd Feb 2012, 01:10
Don't get your hopes high that's for sure.

I was at the syd AD on the 17th jan. references checked 2 days later.

Still heard nothing and waiting. :)

Good luck. I've forgotten about it now, takes a while. Looks like they've had A LOT of ADs and a VERY big recruitment drive so LOTS of people to go through. C

2nd Feb 2012, 19:45
I received my training info and timetable yesterday, Yay! I thought they forget about me.

2nd Feb 2012, 23:28
Has anyone heard when the next GS will be?

2nd Feb 2012, 23:44
One started this week and the next one I know of is 10th Feb:)

3rd Feb 2012, 00:45
Ahhh, no fair. I don't know why this executive approval thing is taking so long.
Especially, when they know i'm starting with Jetstar on Monday.

How long did it take for your application to get the final approval? (Assuming that you were called and told it was going to the executive approval)

3rd Feb 2012, 00:58
I've heard they have SO MANY to go through jacintamerri. I know people who have been waiting weeks in the final exec. Approval stage.
Who knows how long it will be. They have had no answer from MAM. so they just wait. But MAM has tons of applications through at the moment and lots towards the end and are culling still. As there are way more applications than positions i heard.

I am also waiting. Sucks for you with the jetstar thing.

3rd Feb 2012, 01:17
It's killing me! Hahha. I was really hoping to hear something by today but that's now looking less and less likely.

Hopefully I hear something before I'm offered a contract at the end of training...I just feel like I'm screwing Jetstar over if I go through with the training and then jump ship to MAM. :ugh::ugh:

3rd Feb 2012, 01:34
I've just finish training (yay), from my understanding they do all the references checks and everyone goes to executive review and they start culling from then on, unfornately patience is a virtue in this industry.:)

3rd Feb 2012, 02:23
hiya GC,

did you graduate yesterday on wednesday?

We started on tuesday, and our 7 long long weeks begin on monday for eps.

any tips / hints for eps?

3rd Feb 2012, 03:01

Wednesday, Big TIP don't stress and if your not sure about anything ASK, the trainers are there to help clarify anything you don't understand.
Once you get through EP's, service training is alot more fun.


3rd Feb 2012, 03:56
Just put in my application for MAM for perth

I don't know if I could handle 7 weeks away from my kids. But will have to cross that when the time comes i guess.

Anyone doing the training, when you have a spare moment could you fill us in on how it is going.

3rd Feb 2012, 05:07
I start on 10th Feb and can't wait. Did you find the training intense and difficult? What was the hardest thing?
Thank for any info

3rd Feb 2012, 05:12

They cull at each stage.

I was culled after the reference checks (3-4 months ago) and i got a random call last Wednesday saying they reviewed my application and would like to offer me a position pending executive approval.

I jumped medicals/security as I've already done it with Jetstar, of whom, I start with this Monday.

Hence my frustration, as If i don't hear, I have to start with Jetstar and then resign when/if exec. approval goes through.
But I'm not going to get out of Jetstar now on an " 'if' exec. approval is successful"

once again - :ugh:

3rd Feb 2012, 05:30
Does mam know that you're starting with jetstar? Wouldn't they be a bit funny with you starting and knowing that? I have no idea how it works but if they know you start Monday, from a company point of view wouldn't they find it strange you'd start then leave?*

Like I said I have no idea. I just thought if one was offered 2 positions I'd keep it a secret to the other company vice Versa.*

But I guess you had no idea MAM was going to offer you a spot which you couldn't have done anything about it guess. Good luck though! :)

3rd Feb 2012, 08:43
They should know. Qantas had to get my medical and security documents from Jetstar.

If they ask me than i'll speak openly and honestly about it.
I guess I'll find out on the first day!

3rd Feb 2012, 09:03
Oh didn't read it properly yeah I'd guess they would know then!

4th Feb 2012, 11:13
Ekk... Got my medical appointment on Monday hope it goes week and hear back from MAM quick :) read some of ur post an it seems quite a few people got their response within a couple of days from their medical... I hope I get that too so I can defer uni... :s

Does anyone here know what the ground school dates are like for feb and march?