View Full Version : iPhone app for recording times?

5th Nov 2011, 00:47
Hello guys,

I just recently got an iPhone, and have bought a few apps for it, including Copilot and FlyBy E6B. However, one i'm really looking for is an app where I can simply tap a button, and it will record the current time. such as engine start time, wheels up time, wheels down time, and engine stop time. my flight school records actual time, as well as hobbs time (but hobbs time isn't really important for us).

Does anyone know of an app that will do this? it would be a lot easier than penciling in the takeoff time while trying to fly the plane.

Thanks in advance.

5th Nov 2011, 09:49
Not wishing to dissuade you from your quest to find an app, but there is that old saying that NASA spent millions developing a pen that could write in space, whilst their Russian counterparts simply used a pencil.

I suspect that if you truthfully compare the time it takes to ....
get the iPhone out of your pocket
tapping in your pin code to unlock it
opening the correct app
tapping the button

Compared to ...
Scribbling a few numbers on your kneeboard

You may understand what I'm getting at.

penciling in the takeoff time while trying to fly the plane

Surely the correct sequence of events is ... line up, scribble down, take off... not messing around with iPhone (or pencil) during climb-out :cool: