View Full Version : Chinese job offer hinges on FAA flight time certification?

30th Oct 2011, 21:16
A potential employer in China has requested an FAA certification of my flight times/training in the USA. Everything I can find about FAA certifying flight times indicates the FAA only spits back my self-certified flight times (on the FAA 8710 application form for my latest flight test) and says, in essence, "this is what he told us."

Surely the Chinese are aware of this FAA policy. Is there something else which might satisfy their request for "certification?" Is there a customary Far East flight time certification method other than the pilot's self-maintained logbook?

31st Oct 2011, 04:43
An employers stamp/ chop in the logbook has always worked for me.

31st Oct 2011, 06:03
last 3 to 6 pages of logbook will be okie~~~