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PPRuNe Pop
20th Oct 2011, 19:50
Is there a little place that passwords are stored? I have slipped up on one and I am damned if I can find it.


20th Oct 2011, 20:08
I'm so tempted to say " on the post it note on the side of the monitor" but I wont as its silly..................

or maybe google for password recovery ,

20th Oct 2011, 20:14
Email on the way which might help.

green granite
20th Oct 2011, 20:17
If it's a web password and you're using FireFox it's 'tools>options>security and click on the password button.

20th Oct 2011, 21:02
Only works when you've allowed FF to store your passwords of course... :8

Loose rivets
20th Oct 2011, 22:11
Oh, flippin' 'ek! I didn't know it was that easy. Glad to see none of my bank numbers are in there - they're in InformEnter...Ooooo, blast! now you all know.

21st Oct 2011, 09:56
Neither did I. Quite frightening.

A A Gruntpuddock
21st Oct 2011, 09:59

I had always assumed that these were locked away!

Didn't realise that anyone using the computer could read them.

Presumably these are only available to the current user and remain secret if another user logs on?

21st Oct 2011, 11:00
add a master password and they can be locked away.

A A Gruntpuddock
21st Oct 2011, 11:36
Thanks, just done that.

To save others Googling - Master password - MozillaZine Knowledge Base (http://kb.mozillazine.org/Master_password)

green granite
21st Oct 2011, 14:04
Just don't forget the master password. :E

24th Oct 2011, 01:15
How about Chrome or I.E. ??

I keep mine on a USB drive - which of course I will lose one day, and try only to look at them when Offline, and don't copy them to the computer, but what about the ones I have asked Chrome to save, which it then completes automatically when I open that site again ? Are they available to the hackers ?

24th Oct 2011, 11:24
With Chrome and IE you can use an extension called LastPass which fills in passwords for you but requires a master password for each session. Just remember to switch off and clear password storage within Chrome or IE.

see here (https://lastpass.com/) for more info. Also available for most other browsers.

25th Oct 2011, 21:23
Apart from the sound advice provided here,

Are they available to the hackers

(almost) everything is available to (ambitious) hackers. If you want to stay REALLY safe, do not, repeat, DO NOT, save any passwords in any browser you are using. Use a paper and pencil. Chrome, to my knowledge, is especially vulnerable, but then I might be misinformed. :ooh:

26th Oct 2011, 19:12
I store mine in keepass. Its a free tool that provides an encrypted database to store all your login credentials in.

Usefully it can also generate complex passwords for you, and you can copy and paste these into appropriate locations as and when required.

There's an interesting clip on u tube about how easily non complex passwords can be broken with the right tools, suggests that passwords need to be 15 characters plus (and preferably pass phrases) to get near being secure.

See it here SecurityWise: How Password Crackers Work - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bNtMPKafk0)