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View Full Version : Are ferry flights subject to ETOPS rules?

11th Oct 2011, 09:40
Actually, the main question is in the title. I believe that the answer is NO, several different people told me that, but I need a document, where it would be stated clearly, preferably a document we can refer to in Europe (I mean, rather JAR than FAR), but I would appreciate any information. Thanks in advance.

11th Oct 2011, 13:43
Check with your CAA.

11th Oct 2011, 14:45

no sig
12th Oct 2011, 01:04
Your ops manual should offer guidance on this, but if it doesn't, You can ask the question of whoever would wish to plan such a flight, 'would you wish to subject your crew to an flight outside ETOPS alternate coverage, regardless of whether its a revenue or non-revenue flight? I would also argue you wouldn't. In addition, there might be an insurance clause requiring all ETOPS operations to be compliant to the extended range rules. Not to mention the aircrafts ETOPS approval requirements/limitations.

And as a last point, why would anyone consider it in the first place? If it is to save flight time (i.e. money) then that is never a reason to step outside operational norms.

12th Oct 2011, 02:21
Same rules as if you are operating your own aircraft eg: part 91. A quick call to your CAA should clarify.