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View Full Version : Another Pollution Pest;

Ocean Person
11th Oct 2011, 07:50
Am being plagued by fine grey coloured dust and thread like particles that are entering the apartment and settling on polished wood and glass surfaces. It is worse in a room that has its airconditioner switched on so it seems the airconditioner is bringing it in. !! The IQ150 is not moving it. Does anyone know where to purchase some fine airconditioner filter material that can be put over the airconditioner room inlet inside the room ? Pollution sure is becoming a real pain.


11th Oct 2011, 08:37
japan mart have them
change every three months
friggin scary

11th Oct 2011, 12:58
Sounds like construction dust particles to me ....they are heavy and big so they settle down easily in the non-moving air in the room - the IQair has no chance of filtering them, and the 3M filters for the aircon won't either.
btw, none of the airconditioners I have seen in HK so far take outside air and bring it inside - they only recycle and condition the room air...

good luck

Ocean Person
11th Oct 2011, 14:59
Thanks very much for the lead. Hope I can find the outlet that stocks the material.

freightdog 188;
I agree about the path of airconditioner air but how else to explain that the dust is worse, much worse when the room single window unit is switched on? There is a construction site less than one kilometre away so you may be correct in your analysis of the cause of the problem. Best to you both.


12th Oct 2011, 00:46
OMG, pollution, pollution, pollution. Hey, get out of HKG and China if you pale faces want to live, or else the air is gonna kill you all. Be warned!!! Tell you something, get out of China and HKG PRONTO......the foul air gonna kill you quick.
No, I am not trying to scare you; I am teaching you a great strategy, haul yourselves out of Red China and her territories quick. Let the foul air kill all the Chinese and then you can come back to claim everything for yourselves. In the meantime when you are gone, you don't have to waste your time bellyaching and wasting bandwidth with all the complaints. Cool, ain't it.

Air Profit
12th Oct 2011, 03:35
....ok, i'm a bit perplexed by something. Every day when i'm downtown, I see hundreds of very elderly HK residents. Nearly all of them having lived here for most if not all their lives. I probably don't actually need to ask the obvious do I...?

12th Oct 2011, 05:19
Air profit, you're taking the piss right :confused:

Air Profit
12th Oct 2011, 05:33
Ok, so i'm only imagining seeing a sea of elderly people every time i'm downtown...? I'm not saying pollution isn't a problem (duh..!), but in the greater scheme of life's hurdles it isn't exactly something i'm losing sleep over. I still see many of my colleagues mountain biking, running and playing tennis every day. If I was really worried, I would probably avoid sports that involved the lungs in that way. The fact that many of you participate in these sports suggests that the problem isn't perceived in quite the same way as the Environmentalist Wacko's see things.

12th Oct 2011, 05:36
No, he's not. It's called self justification. He is trying to rationalize why he's here killing himself and his family for the almighty dollar like the rest of us. I suspect he knows the truth, but it's better to grab at straws.


12th Oct 2011, 06:41
Don't kid yourself.
The elderly doing Tai Chi did not grow up breathing this airbourne ****e. Back in their developing years, bicycles were the only mode of transport up-river and the brown fog didn't exist.
Let's see how the younger generation fares from inhaling the pollutants that PRC sends south before we begin to claim it does no harm.

Bob Hawke
12th Oct 2011, 06:42
Obvious, init! They're not oldies, they're in their mid 30's, just ask em! :eek:

12th Oct 2011, 08:03
Air profit as said above, the point is childhood lungs have the most development between the ages of 10-18, these oldies were not breathing the crap that's in the air now, 50 years from now is when today's children will suffer the consequence of having lived in HK and/or China.

12th Oct 2011, 11:07
I just loooked out the window and there is no pollution. Oh yeah - I'm on a base. Suckers!!!!

15th Oct 2011, 06:38
It's almost hilarious what people will do for the perceived dollar, including poisoning their kids.
Why do I say " perceived " ? Well for the Aussies, you could have joined VB/VA 3 years ago and been ( at least ) an E-Jet Skipper now, living in a 4x2 in a nice suburb, 6-700m block, kids breathing clean air, nice car, drives in the country etc etc. You joined CX 3 years ago and where are you now ? S/O living in a 1000sqft flat, ba ha ha ha.
Yes I know, you are earning 2-3 times as much and will retire much earlier, which is why there are so many expat pilots up there for 10-15 years plus.
Hope it's worth it..............

Ocean Person
16th Oct 2011, 08:22

Horace ( Roman Poet ) sums it all up rather nicely. Quote " All else, valour, a good name, glory, everything in heaven and earth, is secondary to the charm of riches." Unquote.
