View Full Version : Take Back Our Company

Devil Dog
7th Oct 2011, 12:01
Just looking at what's happening in USA part of ongoing world wide awakening to fraud and mismanagement,perhaps it's time for employees to draw a line in the sand and make a collective stand against a management intent on destroying our company...maybe someone will get the message before it's too late..maybe it already is..woof! woof!

7th Oct 2011, 14:04
your potential biggest supporters are the customers. Messing with them only makes them mad at the agitators. . threats etc only plays into the hands of management and gets the travelling public offside. Customers for many reasons can't march off to VB or the like en-mass.....
I want to see Australians employed in this airline.

The Ghandi approach is needed

7th Oct 2011, 14:06
its not managments intent to destroy any company. It is their intent to extract as many dollars as they can before they get tossed out on their arse.

They have no interest in the company/shareholders at all, other than that which affects their own pockets as written into their contracts.

crap deal for all except the ones with the fat paycheck

7th Oct 2011, 14:38
the tarts have signed off their deal I see...

7th Oct 2011, 16:15
Please tell me you are not referring to short haul cabin crew as "the tarts".

7th Oct 2011, 19:47
now play nicely children, I think he was referring to QF Catering!
