View Full Version : Low Time Pilot Jobs - Brazil

6th Oct 2011, 16:14
My flight experience is low, I have 200h TT.

I am Brazilian and european, I left Brasil when I was 5, lived in europe, did my comercial licence in europe too, and came back. I already have the ANAC licence, ICAO 6, Jet Trainer (companies are asking for this now), PLA Theory exam, fluent in both english and portuguese, multi and ifr ratings.

None of my relatives and friends are from the aviation area, so I don't have any "QI" or "indicacao".
I have spoken to a cheif pilot who in fact liked my curriculum vitae, but asked me if I had an "indicacao".

Those in Brasil, can you please help me..
I just need my first chance, my first step and go on form there, but this first step from my experience until now is very hard. I have tried to go personally to the companies and deliver the cv by hand always trying to speak to someone...

Is it a closed market or am I just not being lucky?

I have tried all types of aviation, taxi aereo, executive, air ambulance, linha aerea, you name it..

The airlines that hire low hour pilots like me are: Azul, Passaredo, Trip, Webjet. I have tried all of them, with no luck until now.

In need of tips and help!

Thank you!

8th Oct 2011, 10:59

Keep trying! Whatever you do, don't give up! In this business, persistance is key. Although I am not currently in Brazil, I know the aviation market there is on the rise. I have several friends in the business and they all can confirm this. Your time is indeed very LOW. This is a major factor in why you have not YET received an offer. However, anywhere in aviation its not what you know, its who you know! Focus on trying to network with as many pilots as you can because it all boils downs to being at the right place at the right time. There is ALOT you still have to learn and many experiences you have to encounter but it is possible. Keep flying on your own if you can afford it because recency of flight will go a long way with most companies. Right now, most of the airlines in Brazil are requiring 500TT min to interview without an internal rec. I have heard of pilots getting hired with much less time because of their contacts. In a nutshell, keep at it and stay hungry! Your time will come!

25th Jan 2024, 16:54
Hello Pa,

Here we are 13 years later… did you find a job since ?
I’m in the same situation as you today except that I don’t have the Brazilian licence but the FAA licence (and EASA) with 300 hours and the EU passport only.
My dream is to work in the Caribbean so I wonder if you find anything like air taxi or something like that.
Do you have any advices or contact maybe to find a job ??

Thank you for your answer if by chance you see this message.


1st Feb 2024, 09:02
Hi Marc,

I found a job and I have been through a few already, slowly climbing up the ladder.

You have to seek where you are legally eligible to work.
If you have a EU passport your best bet will probably be to work in Europe with your EASA Licence.
The problem is the $ for the initial TR.

In Brazil you need to be a Brazilian citizen or have the right to live & work in the country.
Are you in this situation?

2nd Feb 2024, 15:27
I am in that situation. Sent you a PM ;)

26th May 2024, 20:47
Hello Pa,

How do you think the market is looking now?

I'm Brazilian, done my training in Florida 5 years ago, got 300h TT, came back, converted to ANAC and tried every possible job in the market, I lived near Brasilia and 2 years ago I moved to Jundiai - SP region but still no luck, have tried everything, from Airlines to business, air ambulance... still no luck.

Some times I just wish I had spent all that money in something else, and I don't know how long I'll go before I just give up with aviation.

Any tips? Anyone you know I could try to contact to see if they need a pilot? Got FAA/ANAC, ICAO 5, Jet Trainer, ATP Written (PLA Teórico), Fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish also with Multi and IFR. Only thing I don't have is CFI (Can't pay for it now).

Did so much, for during 5 years never even getting a reply to an interview. I really don't know what to do anymore.

Thanks mate