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View Full Version : Altitude Training

5th Oct 2011, 15:29
I recall reading an article about balloonist Steve Fossett's preparation for his unpressurized flights. If I recall correctly, the article stated that he prepared by, among other things, sleeping in a 'tent' with low O2 partial pressure in order to acclimate to altitude.

I seem to recall seeing some articles about improvements in this type of training, utilizing a mask system, monitored by a pulse oximiter, etc.

Anyone have any information or experience regarding this sort of training? Either for unpressurized flight or physical performance (i.e. mountain climbing, free diving) training?

12th Oct 2011, 14:32
Dont even think of doing this.

We use this set up regularly for testing patients' suitability to fly as passengers on commercial flights. All tests are done under the direct supervision of a consultant as the risk of hypoxia and potentially brain damage exist.

Trying to do this yourself with or without a pulse oximeter, or even with someone else monitoring you, is extremely DANGEROUS.
