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30th Sep 2011, 10:38
Broke away from the AEU ,ASE and ETU in 1964 , First FED SEC Don Coleman , not a bad bloke if you could put up with his arrogance . Then , next FED SEC Jim Hardy , a helicopter guy I think , less abrasive than Don , the Airline Cos thought he was great and this would be the pattern from then on . Bruce Deahm was the next FED SEC , a good LAME and GM RIP . Still going well LAME's got everthing they wanted , the Cos loved the ALAEA. Then came a succession of disasters , Rick Leeds and David Kemp both exAnsett as Fed Secs. Clueless .Then BD again and Wally then Tim and finally , Yes the Clown Prince.
This guy will destroy what was a proud , but small organisation