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View Full Version : Global Express Climb Performance Table

27th Sep 2011, 10:29
Hi everybody,

I would like to ask to all of you if you can kindly help in this nice research.

I'm collecting some performance data and I can't manage to have proper data for the BD700... Actually, even downloading the FPCCM from the corporate website of Bombardier, I don't find any table (but only graphs) regarding the climb nd descent performance... i need precise data and with graphs, even if you can interpolate, you will never have reliable data...

So guy... do you know where I can have them?
I manage to found all for other type of acft like F2TH, F7X, F900, G550... but not for this one..

Any help is more than welcome.:}

Mad (Flt) Scientist
27th Sep 2011, 18:40
Sounds like you're looking in the right places; I believe you are correct in that the data you seek is only graphical in the standard pubs.

If you're DLing from the Bombardier Website then you must have approved access of some kind, so I think the best approach would be to email the contact address at the bottom of the 'Online Manuals' page and see if it is something that can be provided outside of the manual set.

galaxy flyer
27th Sep 2011, 21:23
While the Bombardier contact might be of help, looking at the FPCCM, I think those charts are only in graphical form. Don't see any reason that won't work, however, tabular data being derived from the graphs and you would have to interpolate the tab data, anyway.