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View Full Version : Citation/gulfstream operators in west africa

17th Sep 2011, 08:27
Hello everyone,

Does anyone know any operator out there in West Africa and Nigeria in particular who operates the citation jet types and/or the Gulfstream types. Am a low timer with a Citation type rating. If i have a firm offer, i could also go get a G II, GIII, GIV type. Will appreciate any info on this.

17th Sep 2011, 08:47
Ouch, so you are willing to pay $40,000 to get a Gulfstream job, did you ever stop and think about your future terms and conditions if others start to consider this a normal way to get a corporate job?


17th Sep 2011, 16:04
I have a relative who inherited a G550 in Kano, Nigeria.
He is currently looking for crew for his aircraft.
You only need to deposit USD 50.000 via Western Union for training costs.
You will receive a very competitive salary of USD 100.000 a month.
7 days on 21 days off schedule. First class tickets to your domicile anywhere in the world.
PM me to receive details for your transfer via Western Union.

Tony Mabelis
17th Sep 2011, 16:14
SCAM ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!:=

On second thoughts..............................You would pay to work in Nigeria?????????????????:ugh:

17th Sep 2011, 16:40
Darn, I have to work harder on honing my "Nigerian Scam" skills.