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View Full Version : V Australia cops a gong!

15th Sep 2011, 23:13
Congratulations to V Australia.
Commiserations to QANTAS. All you troublesome pilots and engineers should hang your heads in shame. ;)

V Australia bags three passenger experience awards | News.com.au (http://www.news.com.au/travel/news/v-australia-bags-three-passenger-experience-awards/story-e6frfq80-1226137698060)

15th Sep 2011, 23:32
So how exactly can Pilot's and/or Engineers be held responsible for:

Food and Beverage
Inflight Entertainment user Interface

You don't think that Management just "Might" be responsible for this?????, with possibly the exception of "Service", which would in fact be primarily influenced by unbelievable poor morale and seriously bad Engagement levels, again under the direct control of Management???

In fact, this is exactly what ALL STAFF (including Pilot's, Engineers and Cabin Crew) have been trying to tell Management for years now!!!!

But as many have pointed out on this and other sites for some time now - What is the REAL agenda of the Management? - just maybe they are delighted with this response as the Share price will undoubtedly reflect the direction they seem to want!!

Think about??

15th Sep 2011, 23:39
JDI, I think Peuce was taking the piss...

Well done V


16th Sep 2011, 00:02
Di-Vosh, just saw Peuce's "wink" thingie (sorry Peuce for mistaking you for yet another Pilot/Engineer basher)!

As long as AJ etc got there up to 71% for doing such a great job then..... Well I couldn't be happier!

16th Sep 2011, 01:09
What is wrong with these f***ing Qantas shareholders. If this does not get them to kick the whole QF board out, then they deserve every loss.:ugh:

16th Sep 2011, 02:15
As a Qantas shareholder let me answer that
(a small one now, after selling most before the Alco debacle).
As with most companies 'the shareholders' are mostly LARGE institutions and not private individuals.
You may have noticed most LARGE institutions are only interested in making money NOT the 'Australian Spirit of Qantas', what ever that means to the Board now.
So in short private shareholders have NO hope of influencing the board other than protest votes. Despite this however, there have been a few shots fired across the board bow from the number of private shareholders letting them know their thoughts.
However if you have ever seen the Chairman in action he doesn't GAF about small shareholders views IMHO.

16th Sep 2011, 03:46
Totally agree ozbiggles - its not the rank and file shareholders who are the problem. I'm one and have personally voted down every agenda item put to shareholders for the past three years now as clearly their agenda . Its the institutional shareholders that appear to hang on the every word of the board and the chair that are the root cause as to why nothing will change. As a result of assumed profit before anything else, the course that the QF group has now taken is damned to fail and take everyone with it. I'm not sure how this resonates as a positive for institutional shareholders who along with the rank and file have not seen a dividend in two years now, but as the old saying goes about fools and money being parted, I think we're about to see a classic case in point.....:ugh: