View Full Version : E-Petition - Student Loan/Grant

Harry John Tarling
13th Sep 2011, 21:30
Thought i would share a E-Petition i found when browsing.

Every year millions of people wish to become a pilot. Unfortunately, however, due to the high cost involved - which on average is £65,000 for training. I believe that pilots should in-fact be classed as students so they can be given student loans and student grants. Once pilots are working they also pay into the system like every other person in every other sector. At the moment, piloting is just for the rich, and this should be changed - especially with the up and coming pilot shortage in the next 10 years. With a student loan, a pilot in training can pay partially from a student loan/grant, and out of their own pocket making it much cheaper. Once a pilot has been given a job, they will pay it back almost immediately due to the fact their starting wage is above £21,000/year - this guarentees the government to get their money back.

Class pilots in training as students - e-petitions (http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/1990)

I'm aware of the existing BBVA pilot loans available.

14th Sep 2011, 07:52
Nice idea.

Shame it appears to have been written by a barely comprehensible :mad:

Unfortunately, however, due to the high cost involved - which on average is £65,000 for training.

What is due to the high cost involved?

Once pilots are working they also pay into the system like every other person

System? Is this some form of anarchist rant?

I could continue with the quotes, tearing this apart word by word; the constant spelling mistakes, poor grasp of argumentative writing, inability to present clear points, but I'm having a calm day today.

Thanks for pointing us to this, but would somebody mind writing a new, legible one? If this came up in the Commons all pilots would be grounded and probably shot.

Harry John Tarling
14th Sep 2011, 15:13
Sorry about that, didn't fully read over before posting. Completely agree with you...

If someone would come up with a decent petition then i'm sure it would go along way.

Slipper One
14th Sep 2011, 15:44
I wonder if the author realises that the ability to communicate effectively in the English language is a prerequisite for a professional pilot. I suggest their talents might be better suited to writing 419 scams for Nigerian organised crime syndicates.

14th Sep 2011, 18:52
Not sure at all about the merits of such a petition, but for the benefit of the wannabees out there: if you speak fluent French, have excellent grades, and make the cut at the rather tough admission examination you can train at the Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile . All fully paid for by the French government (no loan, les granouilles simply pay for it) and the training is top notch and beyond.

Failing the above, there is always the military option.

But either way you do have to excel, mind you. If on the other hand your idea is more about getting money thrown at you while you sit on your arse dreaming about shiny jets and promiscuous stewardesses, then unfortunately the above is not going to work.

Sadly only EU citizens are eligible to apply, although a number of other countries (e.g., Vietnam and Libya when I was in St. Yan) do sponsor their own people to study there.

14th Sep 2011, 19:15
Not sure the government are dying to start handing out loans in excess of E100,000 to any Tom, Dick or Harry. Especially when they didn't have to prove one bit of educational know how to enrol in such programme.

Nice idea, but i'm afraid this is the real world.

Harry John Tarling
14th Sep 2011, 20:38
@Alister I didn't write the petition, was just sharing. Thought it was a nice idea.

15th Sep 2011, 13:45
1 "Flying is just for the rich" Really? Based upon what facts?

2 "Shortage of pilots in ten years.." ?? That's an oft-quoted Boeing statement which many unscrupulous FTOs have milked to death.

3 Before even considering such a scheme, HM Government would first
analyse the job-prospects of successful candidates... oh dear.

Not looking too good I would respectfully suggest.

Cheers anyway. TP :{