View Full Version : Freight train to Pilot?

4th Sep 2011, 07:20
Hey, I'm new to the forum, been trolling around a little bit reading here and there a touch.

Some Background:
Before I was born my Dad and uncle had their pilots license's, so when I was growing up my Dad was always taking me to the airport, showing me the planes, etc. When I was 10 (I'm currently 25) we started flying R/C planes together, but stopped doing as such a few years ago due to club issues. That being said I have been interested in planes and flying for the majority of my life.

More about me:
I'm currently 25 (like I mentioned before) live in Canada and am a freight train conductor at CP rail. Recently I've been watching the sky's and doing some research into flying for a living rather then coasting along a pair of steel tracks, including (I'm not sure how accurate or cross-platform this is through out the different companies) looking examples from an online site about bidding on lines, and seeing what your monthly outcome for what your going to be doing are. My current schedule with work looks like this. Wait for the phone to ring, answer it, go to work for days at a time, come home taking a maximum of 24 hours rest, repeat. So the thought of seeing what a month may look like (provided the examples are true) would be a dream in its self.

The point of the post:
Before I go jumping in with both feet, quitting my job and paying the $60,000 needed to go all out, I'd like to start by getting my PPL first (finishing up on some research and about to try starting the course through an online class for ground school), then see how it goes from there. The rail road pays fairly well, but the quality of life is absolute :mad:.

My question to you guys:
What I'm asking from all of you guys who are currently CP's is, how do you enjoy your work? Whats your current quality of life and monetary standings (like, surviving comfortably, living paycheck to paycheck, working at McDonald's between flights)? Are the line bids accurate as to being able to see how your month looks like? Let me know anything you can and comment in any way shape or form. Everything is helpful. Sorry for the long ass first post, but it's kind of a large decision to make (holding off life sorta...wife wants kids, I wanna fly! That should be a motto for condoms or something...).