View Full Version : CL30 recurrent

bla bla
3rd Sep 2011, 22:36
Need to do a CL30 recurrent (FAA and JAA) soon.
FSI offers it for $24200 and CAE says $25000. (5 days)
Has anyone out there managed to get it cheaper? Met a bloke who said he paid $19500 May-11 with CAE arguing he had to pay for it himself as a freelancer, hence the discount?? Not sure i believe that?

4th Sep 2011, 03:52
Normally training centers (CAE at least) will offer a discount to private individuals. I know a GV type at SimuFlite DFW would be 25% less for a private individual supposed to you being sent there by a company.

Could also be worth checking with PSB Business & Commercial Pilot Discount Simulator Training (http://www.pilotsimbrokers.com). They claim to provide substantial savings on initial type ratings and recurrent, including the 300. I have personally never used them so I can't vouch for their business, but no harm in giving them a call.

That guy's story sounds reasonable to me.

4th Sep 2011, 10:22
Not sure about the individual discounts, the first time I heard about such a thing.
It kind of does not make any sense, after all, they (sim centers) are not there to help anyone individually, rather just to make money... :}

The best bet would be, if you do have any connection to some cl300 operator with at least few aircraft, to contact them.

Usually the established operators do have big discounts on the list prices since they do bring in the volume....


4th Sep 2011, 13:47
Again, as far as individual discounts. I used to work at SimuFlite and called incognito to get a quote on a GV type privately funded vs. company funded. I was quoted $40k vs. $50k, spring of 2010. YMMV.

4th Sep 2011, 17:33
Again, like I said, the first time I ever heard about such a thing. Of course, that does not mean that it would not be so.

And again, doesn't make sense, but, then again, biz aviation training in general does not.

An example, cae built cl604 sim try leasing hour in Europe, around 2000 euro for a major client.
Same cae built sim hour in CL850 (which happens to be CRJ), less than 400 euro.

I guess it is always worth shopping around... :ok:

500 above
6th Sep 2011, 08:18

FSI DFW certainly offer private individual discounts on other types.

bla bla
12th Sep 2011, 14:23
flyTCI thank you for your advice, I asked Pilotsimbrokers and they got me a price at CAE Morristown for $17950.
Looks like it is well worth it to look around a little.

12th Sep 2011, 14:35
Glad I could help! Now, send me the commission. ;)

Make sure you check into regarding doing your FAA and JAA check in one shot, as it used to be done in the past. Last I heard at SimuFlite, per FAA, this is no longer possible and needs to be done as separate checks.