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3rd Sep 2011, 13:54
Hello everybody!

I am wondering what is everybody thinking about naming only ONE thing that you wish you knew about the flying life before you became part of the "force".


3rd Sep 2011, 17:19
That it was going to do my back in so bad that I wince in pain whenever leaning in to reach the window seat! :ouch:

3rd Sep 2011, 19:50
That human stupidity knows no boundaries!

"Oh really sir you didn't know that you can't smoke, take drugs, place babies under the seat in front, open the window, remain seated, join the mile high club.........." ;)

3rd Sep 2011, 20:31
That everything is your fault.

That crewing really should be re named SCREWing.:ouch::ouch:

4th Sep 2011, 09:56
I wished I knew that my new best friend will be called 'support stockings'


4th Sep 2011, 20:51
That basking in the sun down-route would quadruple the number of wrinkles 20 years down the line!
And that people really do puke on you from time to time!
And one that was highlighted today,
Asking people to show their boarding card when boarding is a completely unreasonable request which shows I am a complete jobsworth and should not be allowed in charge of an aircraft cabin!:{

5th Sep 2011, 08:21
After you have :"><#ed half a dozen pilots, you realize that all pilots (male) are only after one thing?:E

(Sorry I couldnt help it):=

5th Sep 2011, 08:27
And that people really do puke on you from time to time!
Funny you should say that but I was recently puked on by a FA, she was highly embarrassed and offered to wash my shirt, which would have been a little odd as I stood outside the toilet bare-chested while she was doing it!

And when I worked as supernumary crew many years ago and we flew snotty snooty beastly cheeky schoolkids to 'the colonies' I learnt that misbehaviour can be corrected very quickly at a prearranged signal to the captain to announce 'a little turbulence' and push the stick forward!

8th Sep 2011, 04:35
Capetonian - where were you seated when you were puked on? :confused::eek:

8th Sep 2011, 12:08
I wasn't seated, I was standing in the galley waiting for the loo and we hit a bit of unannounced turbulence.

jetset lady
8th Sep 2011, 13:48
I wish someone had told me that sleep would become a rare and elusive creature, the search for which would take over my life. :{

Or that I would develop an almost pathological hatred of tomato juice. :suspect:

Or that I would become a secret hotel/destination snob. :oh:

Or that I would suddenly find myself fascinated by all things "wheelie bag" related. :8

Or that I can no longer apparently count to "ONE". :O

8th Sep 2011, 23:47
amen to the tomato juice thing...

Lightning Mate
9th Sep 2011, 09:00
Being a retired pilot I am an imposter on this thread.

However, I empathise with you all. I join you in becoming :mad: off also with many idiotic passengers when flying as a PAX myself.


Cyber Bob
9th Sep 2011, 16:15
That turning right on an A/C isn't acceptable when travelling on your jollies!

10th Sep 2011, 19:03
The one thing I wish someone would have told me:

Once you start flying, it's so damn hard to leave it :uhoh:

10th Sep 2011, 19:39
That you should always open Worcestershire sauce away from your uniform white shirts....

And on that note, when someone orders a Bloody Mary at the front of the cabin that you are about to make another 236 of them....

10th Sep 2011, 23:54
That the following phrase would be the precursor to a dummy spit "BUT MY TRAVEL AGENT PROMISED ME" :ugh::*

11th Sep 2011, 09:47
Money doesn't buy class or manners

12th Sep 2011, 15:43
That turning right on an A/C isn't acceptable when travelling on your jollies!

Agreed, have had to do it less than a handful of times since becoming crew and it nearly killed me each time. Although I am a damn sight nicer to those that turn right whilst the traumatic experience is fresh in my memory.

18th Sep 2011, 20:31
What is the one thing you wish you knew BEFORE you became a flight attendant
That pilots are REALLY nice people? :O:}:E

gallie girl
19th Sep 2011, 04:07
That apparently according to pax, I also control the weather and it's my fault if we are diverted due Mother Natures inclement ways!

19th Sep 2011, 10:21
Tell me about it.
The most outstanding operation for NOT having weather disruption queried was when I was on the Highlands & Islands Viscounts.
Many of the pax had family connections to crofting, farming, fishing etc and understood the problem.

24th Sep 2011, 13:41
That you should always order the uniform 1 size bigger .... because you will fill it out :ugh:

10th Oct 2011, 03:22
That even though you work for a VVIP operator, you will still stay in **** hotels on layovers! As we're speaking I can't sleep because of the bed bugs biting me in our **** crew hotel in Russia. I've bites all over. Arrived at 11pm and in the morning, I'm just saying, don't expect to be rested before the flight. Company will strive to put us in the cheapest hotels as standard.
Miss those airline days when staying in Four seasons hotel was the standard rather. :sad: :ugh: :confused:

13th Oct 2011, 17:54
- That is was possible for people to answer the question "Tea or coffee sir?" with the word "yes"

- That some people don't recognise a glass of water when it is offered to them

17th Oct 2011, 16:51
Yeah I had a baby face when I started flying . Now I look like a dried out prune. The airline & the environment suck the life force out of your skin .
Hip Hip Hor:cool:ay

18th Oct 2011, 02:45
Does it really affect your skin and cause you to age that badly? Even if you drink plenty of water and are very strict with sunscreen and skincare?

19th Oct 2011, 01:27
The flight attendant assessors at open days always look young and fresh for their age even though they've been flying for decades... Might not be coincidental that they were chosen then :P

30th Oct 2011, 21:23
I must ask. What is wrong with tomato juice ? I like tomato juice !!

31st Oct 2011, 19:53
Tomato juice is as catching as measles; serve one, serve a hundred! Just the whiff of worcester sauce in the cabin makes people who would never drink it at home suddenly desire one immensely, it takes longer to make than any other juice, it stains your shirt and worcester sauce manages to seep out of the bottle even when you know you closed the lid.

1st Nov 2011, 09:26
Ahhhh, I'm afraid I always travel cattle class and it just comes out of a can !!!!

28th Nov 2011, 04:07
:sad:I wish I knew that living in Dubai would cause my hair to fall out at an alarming rate.. and that a bobbling head can mean yes, no or maybe.

2nd Dec 2011, 07:15
means happy ending in sight.


bad pilot.


2nd Dec 2011, 23:03
@Annagenevieve wahahaha. I find that up and down(even if sideways) = Yes/ok, Left to right = No and a figure of 8 motion = Maybe. Hope that helps!