View Full Version : Sound filtering software

3rd Sep 2011, 13:37
Hi after some free download sound filtering software. Want to be able to filter out specific frequencies. Looked at some and the filtering doesn't happen instantly. Takes 30 secs to come into effect, if you've got it wrong you have to start the whole process again. I want to be able to hear the effect straight away. Any ideas please?

3rd Sep 2011, 13:45
What's the intended application ? Something technical/scientific ? Or just messing about ?

3rd Sep 2011, 14:03
To get rid of unwanted sounds on some recordings. As I said I would like to hear the result of filtering whilst listening, to make sure I am filtering out the stuff I don't want.

3rd Sep 2011, 14:58
Try Audacity.

3rd Sep 2011, 15:34
Perhaps something like Adobe Audition if you've got the budget, this would allow you to apply FFT filters to draw curves or notches that reject or boost specific frequencies. Apple's equivalent probably has something similar too.

Otherwise it's probably Audacity as suggested. Or maybe SoundSoap.

3rd Sep 2011, 15:55
Thanks trying Audacity at the moment.:ok: