View Full Version : Field Finder reborn with Google Earth

29th Aug 2011, 18:44
Back in the early 80's I produced a TRS-80 program to produce a anywhere to anywhere track and distance grid. For various reasons I recently needed this again, so had to rewrite it for the PC. However while using Google Earth to check coordinates I found that I had an altogether more powerful and interesting package on my hands.

Take a look at the wiki here :


All the files and docs are there - even the source code (although with a 30 year history the code is messy in places, you have been warned). There is a back story on the origins and some reasonably accurate instructions in the DOC file. Data is there for all the airfields in NZ, and making a new (country / area) data file is easy enough - if tedious. If you do make a new data file - please share.

You will need Google Earth to get full value from this, the free version is just fine.
