View Full Version : Switching to the M registration

Pappa Delta
27th Aug 2011, 20:33
I,m flying a Citatation which is privately operated. No AOC. The owner also doesn,t want it chartered. It,s right now registred in Central Europe. Because I,m getting a little tired of EASA,s red tape, I,m thinking about switching to the Isle of Man Register.

I would like some opinions from people who are operating on the M, or did the switching procedure.

I assume M,s are flying under ICAO regulations and not by EU-OPS, or has IOM there own set of regs.

What about maintenance. Now when I have an AOG outside Europe and find a Cessna Service Center thats only FAA certified, It takes a lot of effort to get them to work on my plane. (Extra papers required) When I,m M reg, can I choose the shop I want, or are there also restrictions?

Any further suggestions welcome, also on other authorities.

Best Regards,


28th Aug 2011, 13:35
PD - you have a PM

28th Aug 2011, 16:21
You might also want to consider the soon to be established Guernsey Register (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-guernsey-14582252)

24th Sep 2011, 11:19
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a Guernsey registry.

24th Sep 2011, 14:22
Every two months someone asks the same question about the M reg.

Why not call the Isle of Man direct and get the answers you require straight from the horses mouth? They are good people and very helpful, and will be glad to help answer any questions you might have. If you don't fancy a chat, you could even try looking at their comprehensive web site.

Alternatively why not try a search here.....the subject has been done to death!

25th Oct 2011, 05:58
from Flight International:

Guernsey to introduce aircraft registry (http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/guernsey-to-introduce-aircraft-registry-363497/)

29th Oct 2011, 10:42
The Guernsey register has a target date of 2013.

"2-reg" pre-fix has been provisionally allocated to Guernsey.

29th Oct 2011, 14:19
The M register is here now and VERY successful. I'm not sure why anyone would wait for a copycat one to come along after they have so obviously missed the boat. Especially one with a crap tail number prefix like '2'. Unless of course you have a vehicle in the Channel Islands which would support such a venture.

23rd Nov 2011, 15:18
A couple more years and all the British Isles will have their own register offering much the same as the M-reg. All depends then where the owners base their corporate vehicles that own the aircraft.

www.JerseyRegistry.com (http://www.jerseyregistry.com/)