View Full Version : License acceptance from the UK CAA

aaron wilmott
27th Aug 2011, 12:51
does anybody know if the UK-CAA accept a profficiency check from a non JAA instructor. I thought maybe they will authorise the license for all non JAA aircraft? Any experience of this wll be greatfully recieved.:ok:

27th Aug 2011, 13:35
I use to work at the UK CAA, and if memory serves me correct, you'd have to ask for what they call a one-off approval. They wouldn't allow a non JAA TRE unless is was absolutely necessary, i.e there are no JAR TRE's on the type you're wishing to apply to a UK licence (which is of course highly unlikely). If your reason is purely down to you not wanting to go to europe somewhere in a JAR approved TRTO to do the LPC in a JAR sim with a JAR TRE, they'll most likely tell you to beat it.

Either way, answers on prune won't authorise it, you need to get the ok from them.

[email protected]

27th Aug 2011, 15:38
you haven't really said what it is for.

IS the check your one hour with an instrutor? or is it an actual flight test ?

And what type or class of aircraft is it on.

aaron wilmott
27th Aug 2011, 17:21
Well i recently got a job flying the ATR 42 in the caribbean, i have 3 months left on my JAA type rating which is on my UK License. I have obtained a validation to fly in the caribbean on my UK license.
I did a proficiency check in Brussels last month but it was with the chief pilot who is not a JAA TRE.
I was thinking that if the UK CAA would accept this proff check with the exemption that it is only on non JAA aircraft then id be good for another 11months.

27th Aug 2011, 21:50
Well from what you just said, I personally don't like your chances. The ATR isn't an uncommon type, I'm sorry to say.

Just out of info, are you aware that your validation is only 'valid' provided your JAR licence is valid. Therefore you'll definitely need to get the JAR ATR rating renewed.

Again, you'll have to check with the CAA, but in my opinion, they won't care that you aren't actually going to be flying a JAR registered aircraft, the question is that you're asking them to re issue your licence to say you can, without actually meeting the requirements.

Sorry thats not good news, I could be totally wrong- definitely fire off an email to the CAA.

28th Aug 2011, 09:58
its quite a common problem if you work in the caribbean. They will validate anyones license and let you fly a N reg in there airspace but it all comes tumbling down when you IR is up. The only way to get things sorted is by getting a FAA ticket and then its relatively easy to maintain.

aaron wilmott
28th Aug 2011, 13:53
I am aware that the validation is only valid aslong as my JAA license is current. This is the problem i have, i only have 3 months remaining on my JAA type rating. The local authority here accept a UK license but their had to be a member of the authority present at the check ride which there was not. The only other option i have is to convert my UK license to a Dutch license because they will accept the check ride for non JAA acraft. I was just hoping the UK would do the same.

28th Aug 2011, 15:33
nope your out of luck and I would have thought after EASA the dutch won't do it either.