View Full Version : Helicopter emergency landing in Hamburg harbor

Flying Bull
21st Aug 2011, 11:55
Hi all,
a Huges 300 made an emergency landing on an container terminal of the Hamburg harbour.
Police used a helicopter to find the landing site after the emergency call of the pilot to the tower.
He was on a sight seeing flight at 1000 feet, when he reported technical problems and went down.
No one injured!
Großalarm im Freihafen: Helikopter muss notlanden | Polizei - Hamburger Morgenpost (http://www.mopo.de/hamburg/panorama/polizei/helikopter-muss-notlanden/-/7730198/9557614/-/index.html)
Hubschrauber landet am Hafen - Polizei - Hamburg - Hamburger Abendblatt (http://www.abendblatt.de/hamburg/polizeimeldungen/article1998388/Hubschrauber-landet-am-Hafen.html)

Greetings Flying Bull