View Full Version : Appointment in London

18th Aug 2011, 15:22
Filmed in 1952 at Upwood - still running on Film 4 +1 (and will doubtless be on again) - good movie based on wartime Bomber Command story

18th Aug 2011, 15:35
Just watched it. Sadly is reflects a Royal Air Force that no longer exists. There was not much difference between the RAF that I joined in 1964 and that of 1945. But the RAF of today is a total shadow of all that. More is the pity.

Training Risky
18th Aug 2011, 15:43
I thought this was another thread about not being able to get a room in the RAF Club:E

18th Aug 2011, 16:55
The script was by John Wooldridge who was a RAF Bomber Command pilot hence the accuracy and poignancy of the film.

Sloppy Link
18th Aug 2011, 18:00
Beags, sorry old chum but Dinah Sheridan as a WREN easily out trumps Susannah York as a WAAF.

18th Aug 2011, 18:09
Have to agree with Sloppy Link!

John Wooldridge was OC 105 Sqn after being a flt cdr of Gibson's. He was also a renowned composer.

I love the understated-ness of the film, which is probably why it doesn't usually get great reviews in the listings.

18th Aug 2011, 19:06
John de Lacy Wooldrige-Gordon DFC* DFM (to give him his Sunday name)was married to the actress Maguarita Scott. He was killed in a car crash circa 1955.

18th Aug 2011, 19:17
I think John Wooldridge also wrote the music

18th Aug 2011, 19:49
its on youtube - in nine parts

Dirk Bogarde APPOINTMENT IN LONDON parts 1-9 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=E1D4BD2C4D40988D)

18th Aug 2011, 19:56
Er, no it isn't:

"Dirk Bogarde in Appointmen..."
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants, including:
Warner Bros. Entertainment
Warner Bros. Entertainment
Warner Bros. Entertainment
Sorry about that.

18th Aug 2011, 20:18
Homer Simpson moment strikes...

18th Aug 2011, 21:07
Available new on DVD for £4.88 post free at the South American river.:ok:

20th Aug 2011, 09:06
It's back on the tube of you, I watched it yesterday. I'm amazed it's not more well known, it's superb. As an aside, I noticed that there were three Lancasters used. Would they be the same three that were used in the Dambusters film?

20th Aug 2011, 10:59
Yes the same Lancaster were used in both films and all three were scrapped as late as 1959 from storage.

Gibsons actual 617 Lancaster AJ-G was scrapped in 1949 as one of two Lancaster up for display, the other one being S for Sugar now in the RAF Museum which due to its amount of missions was chosen over AJ-G.

Dirk Bogardes Wing Commander Mason in the Film is closer to the real Gibson than Gibson portrayed in the Dambusters.

Link to info on the Lancaster B VII used

Go to production of the film


20th Aug 2011, 18:55
It's back on the tube of you, I watched it yesterday.
Thank you, found it at:
Appointment in London Pt 1 of 8 - YouTube