View Full Version : Stage 3 Hushkit Cost????

18th Aug 2011, 00:00
Has anyone been part of a Huskkit install for a GIII?

Looking for a idea on the price range for the kit and total cost with the install?

Any help would be great. Thanks

18th Aug 2011, 14:03
I believe it is around $2 million.

18th Aug 2011, 15:29
Is that a joke?

18th Aug 2011, 15:55
No, he is just about spot on. About a mill and a half for the kit and a couple hundred to install and certify it. More if you are trying to do in Europe, budget closer to 3 Mill.

Thought you could buy a clapped out III, kit it and get a cheap alternative to a newer airframe? Think again.

18th Aug 2011, 16:04
Ha...Not for me. Client has a G3 wants to put hush kit on. Just got off the phone with Hubard kit with new reverses installed is at a million..... motivated for business.

Rusty Trombone
21st Aug 2011, 21:37
Stage 3 hush kits were real popular around 10 years ago on the G11 and G111
Quiet Tech and Stage 111 were offering at the time.
Given the Install cost and STC the previous reports of 2 million are in the ball park but discounts could be had etc in todays climate.

Heres what you have to understand though some countries will still not allow the aircraft in if its hushkitted as it was not complied with prior to a certain date.

In addition I know of a G11 that was sold for just less than 1 million had the stage 3 hush kits fresh 24 month inspection and it was a very clean aircraft, RVSM compliant etc.:cool:

The best bet for a G111 is to operate it where stage 111 is not required until its engines are due midlife or overhaul and then look at the long term prospects.

Great Aircraft but are coming to the end of the financial life.