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View Full Version : A level choices for an aspiring pilot

7th Aug 2011, 20:22
I have just completed my GCSEs and am at the point of choosing my A Level choices. In addition, I am currently working towards my PPL with future plans of becoming a commercial pilot. I was wondering whether you could provide me with any useful advice for choosing my A Levels. I know many people say that, when choosing A Levels, I should pick subjects I enjoy; however, for me, this covers a wide range of subjects. I am pretty certain that I will be choosing both physics and maths as I have seen that these are necessary (or preferred) and I also really enjoy these subjects. I will be taking 4 A Levels and was hoping for some help choosing.

8th Aug 2011, 06:42
Physics (or whatever they call it these days) definitely! Maths not so much, but I would definitely consider a language. Aviation is an international business and only 21% of the world speaks English


8th Aug 2011, 08:03
As the others have said, and indeed you have said yourself:

Physics is a definite yes, maths will also come in useful (Not so much the stuff you learn at A level, but the ability to work with numbers well will be useful).

As for the other options, something you enjoy. You'll be at college for two years, you might as well enjoy them! Possible ideas -

Geography - covers a bit of Met and also deals with population and human geography, so how the population may change over the next 20 years... and how this might affect the aviation industry... it is people who fly after all.

Languages - as paco says, international industry and could be useful. I would only suggest doing a language A level if you REALLY enjoy it, there is nothing to stop you just learning a language and having it on the CV... could that qualification space be used for something else? It will be clear if you are any good at a language without the qualification in it...

English - This always seems to be received well, although the point above could be argued.

Think outside the box a little if you like, but the most important thing is to do the ones you'll enjoy, hopefully you'll get good marks in them. Better an A in Chemistry than a D in Physics (although I would question the benefit of an A in McDonald's Studies as opposed to a C in Further Mathematics).

8th Aug 2011, 15:00
Thank you all for some great feedback, it has been very helpful. Languages, as mentioned by many, is definitely something that I considered and, after enjoying German at GCSE, this seems like a good choice. Thanks again.