View Full Version : From flight instructor to first officer in airline

6th Aug 2011, 13:21
Hi guys!

how long to wait between the time you were a flight instructor at the first position in an airline, first officer for example.

Thanks a lot

6th Aug 2011, 14:22
Why waiting?

From an instructor position and 1000 hours, get a single piston engine VFR job in the world, and continue to climb the ladder from there. Or continue to be an instructor and work on becoming an IFR/multi engine instructor.

Waiting for a jet/airline gold AAA divine job? Best way to miss/waste your life. Don't wait: fly and enjoy it.

6th Aug 2011, 16:17
wait until you can pay back your debts(mom & dad & Mr Bank) and make 60'000 euro for P2F line training !!!:}

they don't care how many hours you have accumulated. all they want is your Euro!

go scuba, they need instructors!

6th Aug 2011, 20:54
3.5 years instructing, over 3000 hours, IRI, sent 100s of emails, filled 100s of on line applications, visited many companies, struggling to survive financially and still waiting. BUT I AM LOVING IT, THE BEST FLYING EVER.:)

7th Aug 2011, 19:52
BUT I AM LOVING IT, THE BEST FLYING EVER why airlines should pay you and offer you a job if you like so much to work, duh?:ouch:

no wonder why you are still jobless!
and why you sent 100s of CV? if you love so much your job? keep teaching!

7th Aug 2011, 22:25
12 mths flying instructor, gained 1000 hrs. Turbo prop f/o just over 18 mths and now heavy jet. Been very lucky and NEVER paid for any ratings. Good luck.;)

Jerry Lee
8th Aug 2011, 08:45
12 mths flying instructor, gained 1000 hrs. Turbo prop f/o just over 18 mths and now heavy jet. Been very lucky and NEVER paid for any ratings. Good luck.
Cool, but I have just one question: how long ago all this?

8th Aug 2011, 11:47
If you enjoy working as a FI it's fine, but those who do it simply to try and get on airlines asap will find it a nightmare as redwing's experience is becoming the norm, i.e. it's not 4 months and then off to Flybe anymore.