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View Full Version : Montreal Convention and Special Drawing Rights

4th Aug 2011, 07:14
I was reading through the text of the Montreal Convention and the liability limit for loss of life seems 1,00,000 SDR's whereas the limit for loss of baggage is 1000 SDR's.

The ratio intrigued me. My life is worth only 100 times my baggage? I wondered what the guys drafting it based these amounts on?

4th Aug 2011, 10:38
These amounts increased 13.1%in 2010 so they now are 131,000 and 1,310 respectively.

Both are significant increases from Warsaw. Don't forget that the liability for death is "strict"meaning that you do not have to prove blame in court - your heirs get this amount regardless. Not that the 'esteemed' legal profession won't try to busts these limits for their 30%, if they fail they still will get a third share of the MC99 limits.

Can't answer your specific question though, other than to say that it's better than Warsaw.