View Full Version : Microsoft RichCopy (a GUI alternative to drag 'n' drop)

2nd Aug 2011, 13:47
Hello all,

Following a recent internet search for something altogether unrelated, I literally stumbled accross something called RichCopy, an unoffical (and unsupported) tool from Microsoft. So being the kind soul that I am, I thought I'd share the discovery... :cool:

I've yet to try it out, but for all those out there who are scared of the command line (and hence have not discovered the wonder that is RoboCopy*), this tool looks like it might provide a better interactive alternative to the old drag and drop "flying papers" method when shifting around large volumes of data.

The tool can be downloaded (free) from Microsoft here (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/2009.04.utilityspotlight.aspx) and a review of the tool can be found here (http://www.softpedia.com/reviews/windows/Microsoft-RichCopy-Review-107778.shtml).

*= Techncially it might even be slightly better than RoboCopy in that it's a multithreaded tool.

2nd Aug 2011, 20:31
Interesting find, will take a look at that :ok:

2nd Aug 2011, 20:36
Also, if you have regular copy jobs such as backups, SyncToy (http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=15155) is very good. It can do what RoboCopy does, but its real benefit is that it can work in true bidirectional Sync mode. Its Sync mode replicates changes in both directions, which is something RoboCopy can't do.

2nd Aug 2011, 20:48
Its Sync mode replicates changes in both directions

Personally I would see that as a disadvantage. Bi-directional replication is a dangerous toy in the wrong hands.

Without a quorum, you'll easily end up with a split-brain scenario at some point.

So make sure you keep good backups (that are not created using the said tool, of course !).