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30th Jul 2011, 15:21
I am unable to access JPA or the JSPs in my present location. It would appear I have been overpaid about £6000 this month. Nice to have but no doubt in these harsh economic times HMG will want to recoup its losses. Can someone who has access to the hood book let me know the maximum amount that is allowed to be taken back each month please? I wouldn't have thought it acceptable not to be paid for the next 2 months...........


5 Forward 6 Back
30th Jul 2011, 15:47
If you can access PPRuNe, you should be able to get JSP 752 here. (http://www.raf.mod.uk/rafsportsboard/rafcms/mediafiles/8C9E3D31_B4FE_C630_E6A7794AAB3BD634.doc)

The Blue Parrot
30th Jul 2011, 16:05
I had a similar experience on return from the TELIC sandpit in 2007. I was over paid an Op Allowance by #7630, when I enquired, I was told that it would be taken back from my pay at 4 days pay per month! Great, a 14 month interest free loan. Wrong! The next pay slip arrived minus half my pay. The Minimum Drawing Rate is 50% and that's not 50% of what's left once Tax, NI, Accomm, RAFBF and Lottery are taken into account. Oh no, it's 50% of what's left after Tax and NI. Therefore, if you do pay all the other stuff, you'll end up with less than half pay. The argument being that you've already got the money in your bank account to cover the overpayment. Unless of course you've already gone and bought your shiny new KIA Ce'ed!:=


"Running in"
30th Jul 2011, 16:39
Off the top of my head - 4 days pay a month max unless you make a seperate agreement.

30th Jul 2011, 23:17
The 4 days pay a month went years ago. They can and have recovered sums at the full amount, leaving guys with bugger all money for the month (happened to someone I know fairly recently - in the last 6 months). Caused untold chaos and misery for a few months whilst it sorted itself out. Beware!

31st Jul 2011, 05:41
Comedy Jock - Some people are receiving Op Allce before leaving theatre. As you cannot access JPA are you down range?

Duncan D'Sorderlee
31st Jul 2011, 09:37
I'm not sure of the actual rules = and as it's Sunday, I'm not about to read a JSP! - but I think that how much they can recover is dependent on what sort of over issue. IIRC pay is 4 days/month; allowances is the whole kit and kaboodle.


31st Jul 2011, 14:41
Unless you opted to have more taken from your pay acct, then 4 days pay is all that can be recovered.

I saw this on a colleagues' pay slip the other day when he had exactly 4 days pay (using the 365.25 days per year) recovered as part of an over-issue.

31st Jul 2011, 15:13
At the risk of sounding a boring old fart (which my wife says I am), you received +£6k. Why not just repay it? That's what I would say to my son(s) in that position, and they would probably reply with the same "raspberry" that you will!

Still Smiling
31st Jul 2011, 15:14
I had this problem a few years ago. Unless they've changed, QRs said that up to 75% of monthly net pay can be recovered from a singly and 50% from married. I ended up getting paid nothing for 2 months in a row so I'd advise speaking to whoever does your pay after the pay's been calculated but before the pay run happens so they can see what you're due to get. I think the pay run is on or about 16th of the month so call between 10-12 of the month and get them to check while they can still do something about it.

The Blue Parrot
31st Jul 2011, 15:48
The point is that CJ has been overpaid by 6K. The powers that be will recover that sum direct from his pay and as I previously stated, they recovered my overpayment at the Minimum Drawing Rate of 50% after Tax and NI. I offered to pay the whole sum back straight away but there was no mechanism (at the time) to do so. The overpayment, I'm assuming, goes into CJ's Bank as does his pay. If CJ does not touch the 6K any reduction in monthly pay due to recovery action will be offset by the 6K sitting in the bank account, therefore, it is irrelevant how much the MOD recovers per month.:ugh:


31st Jul 2011, 15:52
I was overpaid a months salary at the end of my last mobilisation. I put the money in the bank and immediately got JPA to work out what I owed them. Their answer was about £1K more than I'd been paid as they worked on assumption of gross recovery & not net.

My very strong advice is to get in contact with the debt recovery teams, who are usually extremely helpful and see what can be done to facilitate repayment. Be prepared to stand your ground, but be helpful in trying to sort the problem out.

Don't be afraid to knock heads and ask to speak to higher ups, but I've found that when they know they are dealing with a reasonable individual not trying to screw them or run away from their responsibilities, they seem a damn site more willing to help.

Finally, make sure your P60 adds up this year, or you could have some tax issues. You may need to get a corrective P60 issued.

Pontius Navigator
31st Jul 2011, 17:53
I am sure there are two different issues here.

The 'normal' overpayment might be LOA for a short time when you ceased to be eligible or a get-you-home payment that is reassessed as ineligible. In the latter case by sgt had been claiming as his journey home was over 200 miles: he didn't drive and had to go via Newcastle. Our helpful scribblies decided that the direct journey was less than 200 miles so they reclaimed the overpayments in one big chunk until we managed to point out that he and his familiy had some minor living expenses, such as food. The repayments were adjusted.

As others said, you have £6000. Bit of a mess but best sorted out 'in-year' to avoid tax problems etc. Put it in a high interest ISA paying monthly and pay back as slowly as you can.

I was paid for 3 months after I retired and made some £60 tax free on the deal.

Cornish Jack
1st Aug 2011, 19:16
Had a similar problem and ended up paying back at an agreed rate over what will be some three years or so. It raises a question in my mind which I cannot resolve and which niggles away in the background - I was overpaid and that money was taxed prior to payment. My repayment is also taxed before it goes to the Treasury, or whoever. Since I do not receive this repayment, I am paying tax on money I don't receive OR I'm paying tax TWICE on the same money.
So, question is ... should one have to pay tax on the same money twice?:confused::confused:
Any gurus out there with DEFINITIVE info??

1st Aug 2011, 22:28
The (net) payment to you is after deductions (tax, NI etc). You pay back the gross amount (net payment + deductions) and then you have to claim the deductions back from HMRC. As ever, the onus is on you.

Cornish Jack
2nd Aug 2011, 15:45
SFO - thank you for that. Don't wish to impose but do you happen to have any pointers to the general procedure for such or is it just a case of individual tax queries?

2nd Aug 2011, 16:36
Generally talk to HMRC n the first instance and then be prepared to be messed around by JPA. I'm owed about £700 in tax, but until JPA pull fingers out of buttocks and send a basic form in, nothing will happen.

You need to be ready for a long series of dull calls and heavy perusasion to make them do anything when it comes to them owing you money. Its a soul destroying process.

Really annoyed
2nd Aug 2011, 22:45
You need to be ready for a long series of dull calls and heavy perusasion to make them do anything

Hmm.................. Sounds just like any MOD CS worker.

And yes Its a soul destroying process.

Jimlad, haven't you earned your sea cadet spelling badge yet? "persuasion" not "perusasion".:rolleyes:

2nd Aug 2011, 22:59
The (net) payment to you is after deductions (tax, NI etc). You pay back the gross amount (net payment + deductions) and then you have to claim the deductions back from HMRC. As ever, the onus is on you.

I'm lucky enough that this never happened to me, and in any case, my service was pre-JPA.

However, it can't be right that the MOD make an error, say an overpayment of GBP1000, say GBP 650 to you, and GBP350 to HMRC, and then claim back GBP 1000 from you. That's utterly ridiculous.

Moreover, the overpayment might push you into a higher tax bracket, then you'd be paying higher tax for the rest of the year on the (now) corrected pay rate.

JPA's been in for some years now. Why hasn't this been sorted out? Don't the Services have Flag/General/Air officers in charge of personnel issues?

Cornish Jack
3rd Aug 2011, 13:34
Thank you all. Looks like a long session with the wireless 'phone headset listening to interminable 'music' and playing Solitaire ... great joy!!:mad::mad:

3rd Aug 2011, 13:57
Would it not be nice if "Really annoyed" could contribute a useful and informative post?