View Full Version : Cathay Cadetship!

27th Jul 2011, 04:22
Hey everyone!!

I filled in the online cathay cadetship application about 5 months ago and i havnt heard anything from them. Is this a bad sign? or am i just being impatient?

Also if anyone knows anything about the interviews or when they are being held, any info would be much appreciated. :)

27th Jul 2011, 04:43
I would take cover if I were you

27th Jul 2011, 09:43
There's a MASSIVE thread about this in the Fragrant Harbour area of pprune, best to check/ask your questions there I think mate.

Capt Toss Parker
27th Jul 2011, 10:52
You've failed the interview on the basis that you were to clueless to find the mountain of information buried within the Fragrant Harbour section.

Have fun flying a Cessna for the rest of your life.

27th Jul 2011, 17:19
I would take cover if I were you Nice one!!

28th Jul 2011, 03:41
Sorry guys im new on PPRuNe.
Thanks for the point in the right direction!