View Full Version : NetJets rates?

26th Jul 2011, 09:07
Anybody know what the current hourly rates are for a block of say 25 hours?

Interested in the rates for light, midsize and heavy jets, to see how good they really are in comparison with adhoc rates.

Any info gratefully received.


Globally Challenged
26th Jul 2011, 09:59
Surely the best way is to pick up the phone and call their sales department?

26th Jul 2011, 10:15
well yes ok but as a competitor rather than a client with a true interest in using them, it might be easier said than done.

Just wondered if anybody had the info to hand, it used to be avail online but not so easy now it seems

26th Jul 2011, 11:15
can't remember the exact website but I have something around 116000 US$ in mind. 25hr on 400XP

26th Jul 2011, 12:14
ok thanks, well Air Partner is charging 7,440 EUR for a midsize, so I guess that Net Jets has to be similar...will keep on digging!

26th Jul 2011, 12:37
Mid-size was something around 7560US$ (189000 / 25h) in the past. There was a price drop in 2009 so I can't guarantee that these are actual figures..

26th Jul 2011, 14:15
Thanks, well I know they aren't cheap and am sure we can beat them on adhoc, so I bit the bull by the horns and asked the client straight!

26th Jul 2011, 16:09
Have you searched the web for this? There used to be several articles that compared various options in depth. Netjets, FlightOptions vs ad hoc vs owning all yourself vs a partnership.

Last I did an evaluation for an owner, NetJets was the most expensive, but offered the most "ease of use".

- your mileage may vary.


Globally Challenged
26th Jul 2011, 17:56
Also the fleet size gives strong redundancy for AOG

29th Jul 2011, 10:47
I'm sure that if you call them they will tell. Search the web, it's no secret.
Air Partner has a nice comparison between them and Netjets.
You might beat them in price, but everything else, i still would say Netjets offers incredible value. Usually what's cheap becomes expensive

No RYR for me
29th Jul 2011, 12:41
Agree, the only thing you can try to compare on is price but that is false economies because they are two complete different products.. :8

1st Aug 2011, 14:03
ok thanks, well as a broker you won't convert me to NetJets :ok:. But I do understand the differences.

I saw the rates on Air Partner's site. It seems that having found me again after a few years, this client might be swayed back to ad-hoc!