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8th Jul 2011, 13:50
I place monthly spreadsheets on a website. I use the 'Save as' web page (htm, html) option. Often I find extraneous cell borders 'added' by M$ which are just not there. Any ways around?

8th Jul 2011, 15:28
I'm not seeing this when I try it on a spreadsheet in Excel 2007. One alternative to try is Gnumeric Portable (http://portableapps.com/apps/office/gnumeric_portable), which can be installed easily to a USB drive or anything you like, no admin permissions required. The HTML output may be more standards-compliant.

8th Jul 2011, 15:46
Ta bnt - downloading to have a look. Open Office is no help - it messes up the sheet format

Will advise..

8th Jul 2011, 16:06
Nope, sadly it messes up the cell formatting too much. HTML4 was the closest but no cigar. I'll have to stick with 'spikey bits' on the page I guess - love M$! I suppose I could screen shot it and put a slightly fuzzy jpg up.

8th Jul 2011, 18:45
Are your monthly spreadsheets done by your own hand? ie; open Excel, put some figures in, file/save as/web page etc? Then import the page into your web site?

Or do you import the SS from elsewhere?

8th Jul 2011, 19:01
Sp - by me - it is a month's worth of village hall bookings. 2 long sheets of data abbreviated and posted into 2 horizontal groups of 5 'tables' for two separate facilities, then posted onto the web. Up to yesterday I had only the occasional extra single cell border pop up at random which I credited to Mr Gates not getting it right, but I am now consistently getting a solid right hand border - which ain't there on the xls.

8th Jul 2011, 23:40

I believe you may be 'overstepping the mark'. I could, of course, be wrong.

Try this: Once your data input is complete, click on Print Preview. Do you get 1 page, or 2 pages to preview? If 2 pages, is the result of the second page a line of any sort?

Without seeing your page, I am guessing that your data has slipped across your page size, so what looks like a brilliant piece of information on 1 page, has actually made itself into 2 pages. File/View/Page Break will give you a massive visual clue as to how you have made an utter mess of your SS. (JOKE!)

To fix it, (yes, we can) make your margins smaller than the default size (which are huge), so try 1.5 cm all round.

The other trick is to place your mouse cursor over the column heading line, and double click so that the information in the cell is forced to fit to how big it is. Does that make sense? If not call back, and I will do a screen grab.

9th Jul 2011, 07:37
SO - thank you for your patience - to avoid boring the pants off all I will revert to PM/email if that is acceptable?

9th Jul 2011, 10:08
Yes, BOAC, no problems with that. Email away!

10th Jul 2011, 10:59
Convert the spreadsheet to a PDF file, and use that instead.

10th Jul 2011, 14:20
AV - posting a pdf on a web page is not exactly straightforward!

12th Jul 2011, 10:13
True, but you could link to it.

I just tried a conversion to HTML using Open Office and that worked ok for me, not sure how complex the target spread sheet id though.