View Full Version : just failed....

low n' slow
17th Feb 2001, 02:26
Hey all! Just failed a test. Even though it was just a progress it kinda gets to you... Was just wondering what the final tests are like, are there Q's with answers that are all wrong or all correct? Cause that's why I failed... What's the technique when doing multiple choice tests? I'd appreciate any thoghts on this!
Cheers /lns

17th Feb 2001, 03:11
when i did my exams i found them to be much easier than anything i had previously done. maybe im just lucky, but regarding techniques, sometimes you have to pick the most right, rather than the absolutely right answer. other times you may find that if 'a' is right, then 'd' is right as well by inference, which rules out both of them. that helped me several times! otherwise if all else fails, pick the letter/number that has appeared least frequently - i have no idea if this works but i have a licence now!

low n' slow
18th Feb 2001, 00:57
Cheers mate!

19th Feb 2001, 12:18
Picking the answer letter that appears the least number of times is folly: you've still only a 3:1 chance of being right. Are you wrong if you see 5 C's in a row?

I can only say what works for me: cover up the answers before reading the question. Think of your answer, then if it's there, then you've more than an even chance that you're right.

A guess will always be a guess. Practice, practice, practice.

Hope you succeed. :)

If you're not on the edge, then you're taking up too much space.

19th Feb 2001, 15:31
Low n slow

If you learn the material you are gonna be tested on thoroughly, then whether the test is multi choice or not is irrelevant. If this is an alien concept to you then maybe you have chosen to pursue the wrong career. Success in any exam is directly proportional to the effort you put in before hand.

Revision is the key. If you can't see that then failure is not an option, it is a distinct and likely possibility

Landing Gear
19th Feb 2001, 19:57
aerostude is right.

If you put the effort in you will get a good result.
I do at least 2 - 3hrs in the evening every day (not every body needs this time, some are very talented), this works for me.

Work hard and you'll get 'em !!

Good luck

---> Three green ! <---

[This message has been edited by Landing Gear (edited 05 April 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Landing Gear (edited 06 April 2001).]

skeet surfer
20th Feb 2001, 21:24
Studying long and hard is definetly a requirement, but if you don't have the multiple choice exam technique you will definetly not pass either.....

The practice exams your school is (hopefully) supplying you with, will help you to sort out the "most correct" answers
and with practice you can guess an answer (when you really have to) just from the structure of the question.....

Mail me direct if you want.....no time now... revision waits for no man/woman*

*delete where applicable