View Full Version : Brookfield China BizJet Contracts

29th Jun 2011, 11:55
Hi guys,

Does anyone know who the operator for Brookfield in China is. They seem to be going on a massive recruitment drive for anyone with pretty much any rating.
Very interested, but I know what they are like with Ryanair in Europe.

Is anyone currently working for them on one of the Biz Jet jobs out there, and if so what is the deal, contract looking like, and the operations?


29th Jun 2011, 13:05
I thought I had read somewhere that they stopped recruiting for these contracts as there were a lot of issues with medicals and license conversions...?

I have seen copy of the contract summary but never been in touch or done the selection so don't know much about it....

Pay was 9500 - 10500 USD depending on type if I remember correctly. Annual bonus 10K, overtime paid at 100 USD / hour above 60 hrs / month. Type cost 18-20K paid back over 5 years.


2nd Jul 2011, 12:28
I got a mail-shot about them recruiting ACJ and BBJ skippers now, as well as G550 and others.
Seems like a very small salary for skipper on a major jet. To be honest, that is what I would expect to see a turboprop skipper in an India airline on. Plus having to find own accommodation and pay for rating??!!
I wonder what the uptake will be on that.

It seems that companies/agencies are always very keen to get hold of a copy of your passport - licence - logbook - training record, and then very slow or disinterested to actually follow up on it.:confused:

4th Jul 2011, 11:45
There seems to be 2 main players in Business Jet management in mainland China at the moment - Deer Jet and BAA (Business Aviation Asia).
The Brookfield ad is most likely for Deer Jet although BAA are advertising along similar lines: Corporate Pilot Jobs (http://www.bestaviation.net/jobs/search/?j_cat=3&o_type=&s=1)
Both are expanding like mad and are recruiting heavily from Ex-pats - mainly from the USA.
There are a number of issues with working for both operators. Plus going through a contract/recruitment agent only makes the waters even murkier.
The biggest problem is transparency in the contract Ts & Cs and the lack of Employee protection should things go wrong.
Both management companies are Chinese and resent having to pay big bucks to westerners. Unfortunately for them, recruiting locals is near impossible as the Chinese airlines are also desperate and a Chinese Pilots License is always held by the operator, not the individual. So moving jobs needs the cooperation of your present employer - think football transfer fees.
If, as an expat pilot, you do get the Chinese License with one operator you will find it difficult/impossible to move to another.
A consequence of this is the salaries paid are a result of what it takes to tempt Expats, not from the free movement of pilots within China.
The packages on offer are for each individual to consider. I would say, however, that to live the Expat lifestyle in China is now getting very costly so the money on offer will never go as far as you think.
I would suggest thinking very carefully about taking a job in China if you're already in gainful employment unless you fancy an oriental adventure. It will be a financial rollercoaster and living long-term in China in not easy.