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View Full Version : Upper QT limit for Class 1 (ECG)

16th Jun 2011, 10:17

Bit of a background first...

About 10 days ago I went for my Class 1 initial, which I failed due to an elongated QTc which appeared on my ECG.

Sadly Long QT Syndrome kills you, but I was only slightly over the limit so they are doing further checks.

I've been to Papworth hospital in Cambridge, where the Consultant I saw told me that I am 100% healthy, with no chance of me dropping dead due to LQTS, and its likely that my 0.001s too long QT is benign and will have no effect with my life.

I am off for my 3rd (very expensive) visit to the CAA this monday for another exercise ECG, and hoping that my results will come through positive and I will get my medical.

Has anyone been through this before? Is there anywhere I can find the limits of what the CAA/JAA will accept?

Sadly they have also revoked my Class 2, so if its a fail its a life long dream being taken away from me, and I will never be able to fly again unless I sit in the back. Fingers crossed!


8th Nov 2011, 10:54
Hi Ian,

How did you get on with your medical!? I too had an issue with the ECG being suggestive of LQT!