View Full Version : Cloud Tops Forecast

15th Jun 2011, 23:42
I have often seen people searching for good sites
in relation to cloud tops so hopefully this one will help.
It looks a bit scary but really its quite simple.

http://rucsoundings.noaa.gov (http://rucsoundings.noaa.gov/)

On this page, select GFS (to 5 days, Global, 0.5° grid, 12-hourly

where it says
Name(s), "lat,lon",
or RAOB-WMO-ID(s) simply type in either lat long or an ICAO
identifier and

Once that is done simply press
"Java Based Plots" at the bottom.

This will then take you to this page.
GSD Sounding Plots (http://rucsoundings.noaa.gov/plot_soundings.cgi?data_source=GFS;latest=latest;start_year= 2011;start_month_name=Jun;start_mday=15;start_hour=23;start_ min=0;n_hrs=1.0;fcst_len=shortest;airport=egpc;plot=Java-based%20plots;hydrometeors=false&start=latest)

Whoaaa now wait a minute!! Its not as bad as it looks.
Red and Blue lines are temp and dewpoint. When they come together guess what?
When they are far apart guess what?
Now when they keep coming together and going apart,
you can accurately pick out cloud layers.

Looks a bit like school work but when you use it and see how accurate it
is it will become an everyday tool for you flight planning.

Hope it helps.