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View Full Version : R22/44 EASA Pt 147

14th Jun 2011, 19:07
Does anyone know of any other EASA Pt 147 approved organisations who can do a Type Rating Course (Engineering) on the R22/44, we were planning on using Richard Mornington Sanford but he doesn't have any dates planned for 2011 and we are keen to get moving?


15th Jun 2011, 07:03
If you have experience on type a rating course is not needed for piston engined helicopters. It is only turbine engined helicopters that require both an engine and an airframe course before you can get the type on your license.

TukTuk BoomBoom
15th Jun 2011, 21:20
Just go to the factory in Torrance, the official Robbie course is awesome, theres lots of practical and apparently now includes the R66.
Not bad for $450us!


Dick Sanford
16th Jun 2011, 18:27
Hi powerlimited. Yes, sorry. I do not have a course in the UK until first week in Dec. I am conducting them in Kathmandu, Russia, Poland, Malaysia, Bangkok etc.
Just a note reference the RHC course. I conduct that as well but it is not EASA Part 147 approved. If anything changes I will let you know. Best wishes. Dick

17th Jun 2011, 19:55
Thanks for your comments, however looking through the EASA regs they specifically highlight certain types which require type ratings, Robinsons been one of these.

Can you provide a link to any regs stating otherwise?

TukTuk BoomBoom
Yes, the Robinson course looks good and does include the R66 now, however as Dick says it isn't EASA approved. I intend doing it anyway as it will be very valuable but I am looking to get the Types for my Licence.

Thanks for your reply on here, much appreciated. I guess it will be December then!

If you have time can you shed any light on FSXPilot's comments reference the requirement for types?

Many Thanks,

Dick Sanford
18th Jun 2011, 12:53
I think that what he means is that you have a choice re your R22/R44 type rating; you can sit an oral examination with the CAA or you can attend and pass an approved course. In short you have to have passed an examination which is acceptable to the Authority. I will be back at RHC for my annual visit in Sept. It will be interesting to see how they manage to get through the R22, R44 and R66 in 1 week (5 days) as it was tight just doing the R22 and R44 in 8 days as it was before.
Please note that on my course you get the Lycoming engine as well as the airframe.
I now have Part 147 R66 with the RR300 approval, trying to get a differences course approved now, which will bring the time down from 8 days for the full R66 + engine to 5 days.
Again sorry for not being abe to help before Dec.


19th Jun 2011, 10:31
Thanks Dick,
I hang it out until December rather than give the CAA any more money (!), plus I am looking forward to the course.
