View Full Version : Point of Equal Time (PET)

14th Jun 2011, 10:44
Hi :)
Could anyone help me to calculate the Point of Equal Time (PET). Here goes the sample:
Given: Distance 'A' to 'B' 2346 NM Groundspeed 'out' 365 kt Groundspeed 'back' 480 kt The time from 'A' to the Point of Equal Time (PET) between 'A' and 'B' is:
167 min
290 min
197 min
219 min

Thanks in advance!!!

14th Jun 2011, 10:54
Basic formula: PET = Distance x GS Home / (GS Home + GS Out)

PET = 2346 x 480 / (480 + 365)
PET = 1332,64 NM

Since you are interested in time from A to PET, you divide the distance A-PET with GS Out:

Time to PET = PET / GS Out = 1332,64 / 365 = 3,65 hours = 219 min

14th Jun 2011, 12:58
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D