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View Full Version : European legislation for the licensing of pilots-CAA letter to all UK Licensed pilots

Sven Sixtoo
13th Jun 2011, 20:09
Hi all

I received a letter titled as above in today's post (as, I guess, you all have recently).

It says that a new licensing scheme is on its way (I knew that). It advises me to look at a particular place on the CAA website (I knew that place existed and roughly what it said), and that it's my responsibility to figure out the effect and comply with the law (I knew that) and that the CAA won't write to me again about this.

I read the website with care. I now have a headache.

I retired from the RAF last month with a UK ATPL(H) pus IR on S61N, lapsed by many years, and a UK PPL(A)+N+IMC lapsed even more (the last powered fixed wing I flew was a Hunter in 1980). I have 6700 hrs including 2700 hrs PIC multi-engine multi-crew helicopters. I want to carry on flying professionally. I am prepared to pay for necessary ratings.

Is there anyone out there who specialises in explaining the effects of this to numpties like me who only have 2 degrees and who will guide me through this to the best available solution for a reasonable professional fee?

yours utterly baffled (and still unemployed)


13th Jun 2011, 20:56
Hang in there Sven!
Have a cup of tea - or something stronger - and a good night's sleep.
Have another look at the website tomorrow. If you can plough through most of the bumf, you will finds some tables towards the end of the document that set out what you've got, what experience you have, what you want to do next and what your current licence is worth in regard to that. Took me half the afternoon but I think I know what I will need to do. Will be having another look tomorrow to make sure I've understood it.
The scary bit in the preamble was that the CAA reckon that they currently put out 70 licences a day and, in order to get everyone through by the deadline, they will have to put out 500 a day!

idle stop
15th Jun 2011, 02:15
I was recently at a meeting at CAA Gatwick where we were told that PLD will be taking on extra staff to deal with the conversions to EASA licences; the word is that if you have a UK licence apply NOW for the JAR licence, which will automatically be valid as an EASA licence. BUT....if like me you are lucky enough to fly the odd historic aircraft or other Permit-to-Fly aircraft, you will need a UK National licence too...so if you've got it, don't trash it! The CAA won't be able to get round to issuing EASA or new National Licences for a while after April 2012, but there will be transitional provisions.
The due date for EASA licensing is 8 April 2012; obvioulsy some comic thought it best to avoid the 1st April!
CAA will be publishing a useful CAP; CAP804, IIRC, with all the guff.

Sven: If you would like to PM me with details of: the expiry date of your licence, expiry date of your last type rating, expiry date of your last IR check, and any other type ratings you have, then I'll try to advise you.