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View Full Version : PAL (Philippine Airlines) Cadetship?

11th Jun 2011, 10:52
Hey all,

I was just wondering if anyone knew about the Philippine Airline cadetship? Or better yet, is there such thing?

All I know is that they offer training through the PAL Aviation School and it costs around P2M (Pesos) for CPL with IR.

I'm currently now in my last year in Aviation in University of South Australia - I'm an international student from the Philippines, I have around 40 hours in a Grob-115 (A) (getting close to GFPT [General Flying Progress Test]) flying with Adelaide Flight Training Centre here in Adelaide, Australia. But I've stopped in the beginning of the year because the fees were just getting way too expensive - and i did have a rough beginning - struggling studies at Uni, working a part-time job to pay it off and flying - all at the same time - so I'm looking for a fresh start where I can focus only on flying.

I am both a Hong Kong and Philippine resident so I'd be applying for CX and Dragonair as well this coming July. However, with all my coursemates applying and knowing only one of them got in (CX), I've been doing research on where else to go. Doing the course in UniSA is good, it has taught me so many things about aviation, and how hard it is to get the hours up to be in the left hand seat. But in my opinion you really have to have a flight license with it to back it up - hence why i'm considering finishing off my flight training in the Philippines.

And also, I'd been missing living in the Philippines, I know most of the people want to get out of the Philippines. But really, once you've been out of home long enough, you'd just want to back where you really came from.

Anyone with any details, please help me out!

12th Jun 2011, 10:51
Since you said you did a good ground school in au, i can suggest three schools where you can fly what you pay for, you can research about omni aviation, leading edge international academy and of course, pal aviation, if palav is too expensive for you, try the other two schools suggested.

For your future in aviation in phil? I bet it is pretty bright, airlines are expanding, and the country are really short of pilots as of the moment, so after you finish your flying, i suggest you apply as a charter pilot or become a flight instructor.

12th Jun 2011, 12:47
Have you tried Cathay Pacific Cadet Pilot Programme?
visit Cathay Pacific - Careers : Careers Home (http://www.cathaypacific.com/cpa/en_INTL/careers/flying/flight_deck_crew)